
Chapter 382:

\' With a click, the space was shattered, revealing cracks like spider webs.

And this pair of hooves really landed on the turtle\'s back.


The earth shook violently, and the terrifying shock wave spread violently in all directions.

at the same time


A cry full of despair, also resounding in the void

However, hearing this cry of despair, Ling\'er\'s face changed drastically.

Just because at this moment,

A hoarse whisper suddenly sounded not far from it

"Toothless Hoof"

Xunsheng looked around, and Linger Zang suddenly saw that the black giant elephant full of spikes was also slowly

Raised forelimbs.

"How can it be?"

"What are you kidding?

With a sound of exclamation, Linger and the white giant elephant\'s faces changed greatly.

Isn\'t it learned by being attacked, and it has evolved into a more advanced ability?

But now, just look at it and learn?

How can it be?

However, now, I can\'t help but Linger doesn\'t believe it.

Just because her figure suddenly stopped in the air, as if this space was imprisoned.

It can be seen with the naked eye that a pair of black hooves full of sharp hooves have fallen from the sky and are standing straight in the sky.

Fall towards the space where Linger is imprisoned

"Stink Elephant, Dead Elephant, I will remember you forever"

Rarely, her complexion changed drastically, and it was also the first time that Linger lost her composure.

On the side, the giant elephant noticed the urgency of the situation and rushed towards this side for the first time.

He even roared through his spiritual power:

"The hooves are imprisoned in a space, and then the hoofs fall, smashing all the hooves.

One move is locked, and there is almost no escape, only hard resistance.”

"Hard resistance?"

The corners of her mouth twitched, looking at the black shadow that covered the sky, Ling\'er\'s pupils shrank.

the size of the needle tip.

Are you sure, this is an offensive that I can resist?? Two?

Chapter four hundred and sixty-seven supernatural powers! Thunder Kill (Second)


Like the sky falling, the space instantly shatters like a mirror

Looking carefully, Linger was horrified to find that two black shadows were constantly in the depths of her eyes.


"Can\'t hide."

"I really can\'t hide,"

The heart is rarely tight, and Linger\'s eyes are also solemn



Taking a deep breath, the purple wings behind Linger rolled forward, wrapping it.

, turned into a giant egg.

At the same time, a white piece of training was also pulled out.

With just one breath, Linger was already wrapped around several times.

This is Ling\'er\'s natal weapon, the silver centipede, which has amazing toughness.

However, even so, Linger still can\'t feel a sense of security, even from the soles of her feet.

There was a piercing chill.

The fear that comes from the instinct of life is vividly displayed at this moment.

No one can face death calmly.

Even in the eyes of human beings, "May Four Three" is very mysterious and spiritual, and it is no exception.

It\'s just that, compared to death, Ling\'er cares more about, ∠

But at this moment, as if she noticed something, Linger\'s face changed slightly, revealing a

Wipe the look of disbelief.


In the whispering, Linger\'s very nervous expression was loose, revealing a wispy expression.

Release the burden.

"I\'m here, I\'ll be fine."

Whispering softly, as if ringing in the ear


With heavy nods, Ling\'er took off all the defenses around her.

he came

it\'ll be alright

It\'s a convention.

It used to be so, so it was.

Just because he is the master

No need to say much, just two words are enough


In the murmur again, Ling\'er saw a branch passing by in front of her.

Liu Jingying is like jade, green and green

The branches are like Bixia divine chains, rising slowly from the earth

yes, slowly

In Ling\'er\'s view, it is like a turtle\'s speed

But for a moment, countless wickers have risen one after another.

Immediately afterwards, in the stunned light of countless mutant sea beasts and even giant elephants, the spirit

Children\' as the center, there are thousands of Bixia divine chains, quietly blooming

Just like the first blooming flowers, like the beautiful fireworks

like spreading in all directions

In just a moment, these wickers have covered most of the sky

It was at this time.



A pair of black hooves had already fallen from the ancient neighing.


Along with the fragmentation of space, the cracks like cobwebs have been spreading continuously.

And this pair of black scorpions stepped on the broken space and fell straight down.


loud noise, sound like thunder

Under the horrified gazes of countless mutant sea beasts, the sky shattered in an instant, turning into countless


However, the daunting

The pair of black elephant hooves that seemed to be able to shatter everything was actually in the air.

yes, in the air

And under this pair of black elephant hooves, thousands of wickers are already swaying gently.

In a trance, he propped up this piece of sky, and also propped up the black giant elephant.


Once again neighing, the countless black spiritual powers above the hooves are meant to gather.

at the same time.

"click, click, click"

A scene that stunned the owls in the distance appeared.

I saw that the broken sky is broken again

And the pair of black hooves seemed to be blessed with even more terrifying power, and they slowly moved towards the big

ground pressure.

However, at this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the void.

"Give you a chance"

The faint voice seemed to be casual, but the moment the words sounded, it was like thunder.

Ting, suddenly exploded in the black giant elephant\'s mind.

It\'s just, the next moment, without waiting for the black giant to react, an icy low drink suddenly appeared.

Tianyu echoes

"Divine Ability One - Thunder Kill!"

When the words fell, Tianyu went dark.

Immediately after,

"Boom, boom"

Heavy dark clouds stretched across the sky.

At a glance, there is no end in sight

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