
Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Amethyst headed upstairs and decided to take a shower before Gray came up. The steam was soothing, as the hot water flowed over her hair. She thought about what Pauline had said. Did other people also think that there was a romantic interest between her and Gray. She laughed. To think that she would be with a man ten years younger than her. As she had told Pauline, he was like a younger brother, but it wouldn’t hurt to be careful about how she acted around him. She was frustrated that this bothered her so much.

As she exited the bathroom, she met Alexcent as he was coming up the stairs. “Are you all finished with the bathroom?” he asked.

“I am. Good night.” Amethyst headed towards her room.

“Good night,” Alexcent said as she closed the door behind her.

Alexcent stood outside her closed door, drawing in the scent of her skin. It was days like this when it was extremely hard not to act on the lust that boiled inside of him. He struggled with the urge to break down her door and have his way with her, but he couldn’t betray her trust and kindness.

Instead, he turned and went to the small room at the end of the hall that was his. It had originally been used as a storage room, but Amethyst had tidied it up and put in a bed and a clothes dresser. It wasn’t much, but it was his and it was the nearest he would get to sleeping with Amethyst for now. Sighing, he headed to the bathroom to take a cold shower.


The rain started late in the night and continued through the early dawn. Alexcent woke up to the sound of the drops pelting the roof over his head. Going downstairs, he frowned at the sheets of water flowing down the windows. There would be no opening them today. Then he noticed that he had forgotten to bring in the chairs from the terrace. Opening the front door, he rushed out to retrieve the chairs. The few moments in the downpour drenched him to the bone.

It wasn’t supposed to rain this hard, he thought as he looked at the empty streets in the storm. A memory of his childhood came to him. He used to love running in the puddles in bare feet, splashing the gathered water into the air. Looking around to make sure no one was around, he removed his shoes and headed back out into the rain.

The paving stones were slick from the moisture as the rain pelted his face. He closed his eyes, taking in the sensation of his feet sticking to the rocks, his clothing getting heavy with moisture. A strange sensation began growing inside of him and he started to laugh. As the laughter grew, he tipped back his head to the sky. The water poured across his face, cleansing him. It was as if he had come alive for the first time. All of the chains within him were washed away. Through this baptism by the elements, he felt free for the first time ever.

No longer would he have to be suspicious of those around him, thinking they were plotting to do him harm. No longer did he have to protect those beneath him. He lost everything in his life and yet, he now felt that he had more than he could ever want. All that mattered to him, at this moment, was her. And though he couldn’t touch her, he could look at her, talk with her, and laugh with her. All that mattered now was her smile.

Perhaps this is what it felt like to be human. To know love. It was strange how his position of power had turned him into a monster, but at his lowest he found the true meaning of humanity. He wanted to stay in this rain forever. The smack on his back broke his reverie.

“What are you doing standing in the rain without an umbrella?! What if you catch a cold!” Amethyst scolded from behind him.


Amethyst woke up earlier than usual at the sound of rain hitting the roof and window. The drops were striking the house like thunder. She put on a robe and slippers and left her room. Noticing that Alexcent’s chamber was empty, she headed downstairs. She was surprised to see the front door open and Alexcent standing soaked in the rain.

Does he think that he’s in a movie? she thought. He’s going to catch a cold.

Amethyst took out an umbrella and smacked Alexcent across the back. “What are you doing standing in the rain without an umbrella?! What if you catch a cold!” Amethyst scolded from behind him.

“I’m sorry.” He hid his awkward smile as he apologized.

He followed her inside and she stopped him at the door. “Wait here! I’ll bring a towel. Don’t even think about walking all over the floor with your muddy feet!”

Amethyst ran upstairs and grabbed several towels. When she came back down, she handed one towel to Alexcent and the other she placed on the floor for him to stand on.

“Go take a hot shower. I don’t need you catching a cold. Don’t put your wet clothes in the basket, they’ll get musty. Bring them to me and I will hang them up to dry.” Amethyst knew she sounded like a nagging mother, but she couldn’t help it.

Alexcent didn’t seem to mind, though, and headed upstairs with a big smile on his face. As he was getting cleaned up, Amethyst decided to start breakfast. Soup would be perfect for a cold, wet day like this. She chopped up some vegetables and put them to cook in a pot of broth. She then proceeded to bake a doughy bread.

Alexcent came down while still drying his hair. Amethyst had just finished the food. She sat him down at the table then went into kitchen to bring out the meal.

“You came down right on time. I prepared something hot to warm you up,” she announced as she brought it out. Alexcent frowned at the bowl of soup.

“Try it,” Amethyst insisted. “I know it’s a strange meal to have at breakfast but it’s nice on a rainy day.”

Alexcent made a depression in his bread and used it to scoop up the soup. The broth was quite flavourful and the soup warmed up his chilled body.

“How is it?” Amethyst asked.

“It’s actually very good,” Alexcent said, taking another mouthful.

“Really? I’m glad. I was worried as I don’t think I have made this before.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve had this,” Alexcent informed her.

“Really? Well, I hope you enjoy mine.” Amethyst hadn’t been aware they made meals like this in the Empire. She started eating her own bowl of sujebi.

“I guess there will be no customers today.” Amethyst said to break the silence.

“Yes. There’s so much rain, I doubt there will be anyone,” Alexcent agreed.

“Well, we’ll just stay closed and rest.” Alexcent nodded to that idea.

As Amethyst cleaned up, she noticed that he had only eaten the broth and left all of the vegetables in the bowl. I guess he didn’t enjoy it as much as he said, she thought. That’s the last time I make sujebi.

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