
Chapter 137 - The Door

Chapter 137: The Door

Dorian could try to bluff the two Anomalies and it was possible he might succeed.

But as Mello started talking, Dorian had recognized him. When the two other Anomalies, the one called Veritas and one of Mello’s clones, had started to unleash their Auras, Dorian had made a split second decision.

He was right at the cusp of his entire journey, a long voyage with a singular goal: To save the life of a friend.

These two Anomalies could duke it out all they wanted, for all he cared. What mattered most to him right now was reviving Will. After that, he would move forward one step at a time.

As they said on Earth, ‘Discretion is the better part of valor.’



Dorian’s feet sounded off as he ran down the stone hallway, sprinting away from Yukeli’s study. As he made a tactical retreat, he took in the area around him.

The hallway was drab and not very long, only a couple dozen meters. There were a few other doors to other rooms on the sides, but what Dorian was most interested in lay in front of him.

An arched opening that led to a large castle.

In just seconds, he crossed the distance all the way to the arch.

As soon as he touched it, however, the world around Dorian shivered. The view through that archway rippled, as if he was touching a pool of water.

‘Huh? Is it a portal of some sort?’ Dorian’s first thought was that this was some type of portal or transportation tool. When he stuck his hand through it, he could feel warm air brushing on his fingertips, a breeze that didn’t exist on this side of the arch flowing.



Behind Dorian, an explosion of energy blasted out from the study as a fight broke out between the two other Anomalies.

“Well…” Dorian thought, rubbing his chin.

“At least I grabbed this.” From his Spatial Ring, Dorian withdrew a bound collection of aged paper, an old journal, that had been pierced by a small blade in its lower right half.

Yukeli’s journal.

In the moment where he had spun around to flee, Dorian had flicked out a small dagger, stabbing the journal he had tossed aside. Right after, he’d activated his Basic Magnetic Manipulation Ability, pulling the journal towards him.

He’d then booked it, all in one smooth motion, stuffing the journal into his Spatial Ring.

“It’s a little damaged, but it should be readable just fine.” The knife he had thrown had been one of more than a dozen he’d picked up when he resupplied several days ago. It was small, only half an inch or so long and even thinner.


Another explosion of energy boiled out into the hallway as the two Anomalies really began to go at it.

Dorian stuffed the journal back into his Spatial Ring and then walked forward, his heart filled with determination.

“I’m coming for you, Will.” He muttered aloud, his eyes fierce and determined.

He walked completely through the portal arch and was instantly transported away. Behind him, the sounds of combat continued as Mello’s clone fought against the King Class Anomaly Veritas.

Leaving no one aware of the figures that could be seen moving near the base of the castle, where a pair of Vampires were currently facing off, a fox-eared girl in tow.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

“Trajan! What do you think you’re doing?! You can’t just leave like this!” Helena’s voice was rough but full of authority as she glared at her teammate, a Vampire she considered a friend.

She was standing on the outskirts of a massive stone castle. Around her, a barren, rocky landscape spread out, a few dead trees dotting it. A large, ten meter wide moat stood between her and the castle. The sky above was covered in fog, making the ceiling impossible to see. Likewise, the distance was shrouded in fog as well, meaning the only thing visible was the nearby castle and the barren landscape.

The castle was made of stone and covered in cool streaks of white energy. As Helena glanced at it, she noticed that she felt vaguely threatened by that energy. It seemed like scaling the castle or trying to go over it would be a very bad idea.

“Stop following me, Helena. I’m doing what I need to do.” Trajan’s voice was hoarse as he looked at Helena. He was standing on the other side of the moat, away from her and near the castle.

When the portals activated, everyone inside them was transported away. Trajan had found himself standing outside the castle, separated from his group. It didn’t matter what entrance you stood at, all beings in one would be teleported randomly, regardless of grouping.

When he’d appeared on the ground, he had coincidentally run into Helena. The other Vampire had appeared not far from him and spotted him in the distance.

“You can’t get revenge on your own! I understand that Probus’ death hit you hard but-” Helena began, her voice urgent. She was cut off, however,

“I’m not trying to get revenge.” Trajan interjected, his voice calm and cool.

“I am going to bring Probus back.” Trajan’s voice contained fervor within them, his fists clenched.

Helena stared back at him, a confused expression on her face.

“Trajan… Probus has fallen. You cannot bring back the dead…” She began, shaking her head.

“No, Helena. Here… Here the dead can be brought back. I know this for a fact.” Trajan gave her a look and then turned around, heading towards one of the several entrances to the great walls surrounding the large stone castle.

Each entrance was several meters wide and tall, sparse holes in the great fortress that stood proudly open.

“Trajan! You know that can’t be true!” Helena returned, shaking her head.

Trajan ignored her, however, as he continued to walk away.

“Trajan! Trajan! Damn it!” She called out after him, slamming her fist into her palm in frustration. The air clapped around her at the impact, shivering from the force.

“It is true… I need it to be…” Trajan whispered quietly, his form blurring as he ran forward towards the stone entrance. He vanished through it, disappearing.

Helena watched him go, her face bitter and pensive as she tried to figure out what to do.

“Why would you even bother trying? He clearly doesn’t want your help.” Arial’s voice was quiet as she spoke out, tugging at the collar that was locked around her neck.

Helena turned and glared at her, shaking her head.

“I’m not going to give up on him just because he doesn’t want my help. I can fix this.” She replied, turning to look back towards the moat and entrance. A small bridge crossed the moat just a couple dozen meters away. She began to move towards it, motioning for Arial to follow. With the magic collar wrapped around Arial’s neck, the Lightsworn Fox had little choice.

“But what are you doing, Trajan? You can’t bring the dead back to life… Not even here on Magm-” As she was talking to herself, she abruptly cut herself off as a memory flashed into her mind.

A memory of a man she admired talking to her.

Telling her how he was going to rescue his friend.

No, not just rescue.

He was going to revive his friend.

Here, on the planet Magmor.

“Dorian. Dorian should be here, somewhere! And he will know!” She spoke aloud, her eyes alighting with excitement. If Trajan believed there was a way to revive Probus here, then there probably was something to that. Dorian had said he was going to revive his friend on Magmor.

There couldn’t be such a coincidence.

Going by the time they had travelled… it was likely that this was the place Dorian had been talking about! In fact, it was possible he was here right now!

“Trajan! Wait up! I will help you!” Immediately Helena burst into a sprint, running forward. Arial ran after her, her chest heaving.

Not from exertion, however.

But from a single word.

When Helena called out the name ‘Dorian’ Arial’s eyes had widened in shock, her mouth twisting.

“D… Dorian?” Her eyes became clouded as she ran after Helena, apprehension filling them.

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

‘The Ascension Ruins are filled with a variety of trials and tribulations. Each one is intended to test the knowledge, skill, or willpower of a participant.’

Dorian read the line from the journal over in his head, pondering it as he looked around the entrance to the grand, energy covered castle.

He had appeared outside the castle, in the middle of a barren landscape when he walked through the arch. It seemed to have fully transported him, without leaving him a way back to the hidden area, at least not directly.

“This castle in front of me should be the Ruins themselves.” Dorian muttered, rubbing his chin.

The amount of work and effort that went into crafting these Ruins, to make them as Fateful as possible, must’ve been obscene. Yukeli had been extremely devoted to his efforts.

“Well, I might as well go through it.” Dorian took a few steps forward.

He was standing in one of the entrances to the castle, after crossing a moat to get here. The entrance was a grey stone hole, almost as if it had been bored straight into the castle itself, with no decoration or other indications of a door.

At the end of the short entrance, Dorian could see an open courtyard. It was small, only a dozen or so meters wide and long. There didn’t seem to be an obvious entrance or exit to the courtyard, at least not that Dorian could see from here.

Without waiting, Dorian walked straight through the entrance.


As soon as he passed into the courtyard, a breeze swept past him. At the same time, he heard a voice go off in his head,

‘Welcome, challenger, to the Ascension Ruins. Test your knowledge, skill, and strength, seeking out the rewards laid out for the descendants of the 30,000 Worlds. Empower yourselves, strive for perfection, and reach for Ascension.’

A welcoming message rang out, full of promise and epic potential. As Dorian heard this, however, the words faded to the background as he recognized the voice itself.

‘Ausra! That’s you!’

The genie in his Soul Spell Matrix did not respond, not unexpectedly.

The voice he heard was the exact same as Ausra’s, however.

‘They really did work together on this… Only to have him kill you…’ Pity for the poor woman filled Dorian’s heart.

‘You are the 48th challenger to arrive. You will automatically be transported to the Grand Courtyard, where all the other challengers are waiting. Prepare yourself.’ The voice spoke in Dorian’s head again.

“Hold on a secon-” Dorian began, his eyes widening. This was not part of his plan.

Before he could object further, however, light flashed around him in a crescendo, temporarily blinding him. The world seemed to stretch around him as, once more, he teleported, vanishing from the small courtyard he’d been standing in. Sound seemed to stretch off and vanish as his senses went haywire.

“Hup.” Dorian grunted as he felt himself land. He blinked his eyes furiously, clearing them as sound returned.

Looking on at a large, hundred meter wide courtyard. The ground was made of finely cut stone in this courtyard, carved in intricate patterns. White energy floated about 50 meters overhead, cutting off access to the sky. The walls rose all the way up to the white energy, covered in artistic depictions of angels soaring into the sky, dragons flying freely, phoenixes rising from the ashes, and various other epic legends.

At the front of the courtyard, and the only entrance or exit that Dorian could see, was a giant, 20 meter tall doorway, covered in gold and silver. The doorway was imposing, bearing a heavy presence, almost as if it was a powerful warrior instead of, well, a door. The walls next to the door were translucent and misty, allowing the rest of the large castle to be visible, giving off a grand image of splendor.

The courtyard was not empty.

Far from it, it was actually filled with a variety of people.

Humans, Shades, a few other races. Some standing together, others apart. About 20 people in total.

All of them standing about, looking at a large, 20 meter tall doorway that led to the main entrance of the castle.

As soon as Dorian appeared, several of the other challengers turned and looked at him.

‘Welcome, challenger. The first challenge before you awaits. The Door of Splendor. Pass through it to be rewarded.’ The voice in Dorian’s head echoed forth as it informed him of the challenge, though not giving him much to work with.

Despite being the 48th challenger, according to the Ruin’s Ausra, there were only 20 people left here. The other 28 must’ve already moved on.

Dorian almost completely ignored this, however, his eyes drawn to a sight that left him shocked.

Off on the side of the courtyard, a few figures could be seen standing aloof. Two of these figures were currently talking to each other in an animated fashion. One was a short haired Vampire, wearing a set of leather armor, while the other appeared to be a blind Vampire Wizard wearing a set of grey robes.

‘Helena?! I found you!’ Dorian’s heart leapt up cheerfully as he saw her, wanting to run forward and declare himself instantly.

She was currently talking to another figure Dorian recognized, Trajan, one of her allies.

The figure behind Helena, however, was what nearly sent him into shock.

‘Is that… Arial?’ Anger and confusion were the only emotions Dorian felt as he caught sight of the Lightsworn Fox that had betrayed him and left him for dead on Blizzaria.

‘What are you doing with Helena?’ Protectiveness filled Dorian as he saw this, his fists clenching.


Just as he was about to step forward, however, a blast of air rang out as a new figure appeared.

A man wearing a set of faded grey leather armor with the insignia of a golden sun emblazoned upon it.

The man, no, Dorian corrected himself as he studied him, the Shade, looked around the courtyard, scanning everyone. As the Shade’s eyes ran over him, Dorian felt a cool, nervous feeling wash over him, as if he was facing a powerful foe.

The Shade carried himself with a sense of royalty and authority, almost as if he was a King or Prince.

The Shade’s eyes seemed to light up as they landed on Helena’s group off to the side. Specifically, as they landed on Arial. The air around him abounded with might, a pure, Kingly Aura unleashing.

Species: Shade

Class – King Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 1,102,630

“Ah, we meet again, little fox! I’m afraid you won’t be escaping from me so easily this time.”

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