
Chapter 118 - The Law of Wrath

Chapter 118: The Law of Wrath


A gust of wind swept over Dorian as his large Sun Eagle form soared through the air, flying roughly a hundred meters above a grassy World Bridge.

Several hours had passed since he and Leader had left for Magmor. After meeting up with the two dragons, Aiden and Mira, the group had set off together, headed for the World Bridge to the north.

Paxital’s World Bridges were unguarded for the most part. They had simply needed to travel a couple of hours to reach it, flying across the landscape.

Dorian had reverted to his most agile form, his Sun Eagle form. Aiden and Mira reverted back to their Draconic forms, extremely powerful and awe-inspiring bodies that gave off a solid feeling of might. Just by looking at Aiden, Dorian could tell that his Black-Scaled Rage Dragon, while powerful, couldn’t match up.

The Wise Jade Dragon Mira had a much less dangerous looking Draconic form, but her King Class Aura more than made up for that, rising into the air with a peaceful, but undeniable, strength.

Leader had opted to use a Magic Artifact designed to enable long distance flight. Artifacts that could allow one to fly were prohibitively expensive, Dorian had learned, largely because of how difficult they were to make and maintain.

Leader’s Artifact was shaped like a normal sized bull with a saddle atop it, one made completely out of metal. In fact, the entire Artifact appeared to be made out of different types of metal. Leader powered it using energy from his Soul Spell Matrix, allowing him to speed through the air at a fast pace.

Like that, the group made good time, reaching the World Bridge in a matter of hours and making excellent time on it.

And now, as Dorian blinked, taking in his bearings, they had reached the end of it.

They were now arriving on the Exotic World of Lansc. The last place they had to cross before reaching Magmor.


Dorian dived downward as he saw the exit of the World Bridge. The portal that connected the Bridge to the planet was a jagged circle, one that opened up unto an awe-inspiring view.

Hundreds of huge, floating chunks of earth and rock, many covered in small lakes, trees, and grass, could be seen, all floating in the air at varying heights. The World Bridge connected to a large floating island, roughly ten thousand meters wide and long.

Dorian touched down on the ground with a solid thunk, his Sun Eagle form shivering around him as he transformed. He returned to his base human form, the most common and least assuming of all his forms. He quickly put on a set of clothes, a now well-practiced motion intending to save his dignity.

The two towering Draconic forms of Aiden and Mira followed him as they landed aside him. Both of the dragons transformed at the same time, reappearing in their Humanoid Forms.

They, somehow, ended up with their clothes already on when they transformed. Dorian was tempted to ask them how, but saved his questions for later.


Leader landed down on the ground, his large flying Artifact shrinking and sealing itself inside his Spatial Ring.

All four of them simultaneously looked out at the mysterious Exotic World of Lansc.

“Alright. As we planned. We’ll take a guided ship to the World Bridge to Magmor, and remain undercover until we find the source of my grandmother’s soul.” Mira was the one that spoke, her voice brooking no argument.

Magmor was technically a free world, not claimed by any Major Power. However, the draw that was the Ascension Ruins drew plenty of powerful experts, intent on uncovering their mysteries. There was even a powerful King Class Wizard, the Blazing King Pavlo, that had taken up shop on the Exotic World.

Dorian nodded his assent, while Leader simply grunted, standing behind Dorian.

Around them, the grassy plains that dominated this World Bridge spread out. They had passed several trading caravans on their journey here, as well as dozens of herds of various beasts. While this World Bridge wasn’t a particularly long one, it was populated by a variety of creatures.

They’d also seen an assortment of hunters, headed off to the depths of the World Bridge, looking for meat or beast hides.

Thankfully, there was no one within eyesight of where they landed, allowing them to avoid having to double back to maintain their secrecy.

Just like that, the group began to journey forward on foot. Down the World Bridge, on the floating island it connected to, was the mid-sized city of Tillon. It was a forgettable city, mostly used as an outpost by people who came to explore the Exotic World of Lansc, or hunt the creatures on the World Bridge or local floating islands.

Lansc. The Exotic World of Floating Islands.

Dorian had gone on a bit of an intelligence-gathering mission, mainly from talking to Leader, but also a bit from talking to people in the town their flying ship had touched down on, back on the previous planet.

Lansc hadn’t always been an Exotic World. In fact, it had been a regular, lesser World a bit more than a thousand years ago.

According to Leader, Lansc transformed into an Exotic World like this due to a battle that happened here.

A thousand years ago, the Third Demon War had entered its waning years. The Draconic Tribes, the remnants of the Graal Alliance, and an alliance of Human powers had joined together, launching several offensives.

One offensive was initiated by an independent group of geniuses, gathered from each alliance.

The legendary Five Great Heroes. Yukeli, Telmon, Ausra, Sun Wukong, and Kaladin.

Legend had it that the battle between the Five Great Heroes and the Demon Emperor took place on the Lesser World of Lansc, a World that was then controlled by the Demon Race, used as a front-facing headquarters.

The battle had been one of such momentum and power that the entire planet was destroyed, leaving behind thousands of chunks of rock and water, floating in space. The atmosphere of the planet was kept intact thanks to the magic laws of the universe, and the bits and pieces of the planet gradually came to rest in place, floating in the air.

Gradually, over the course of hundreds of years, life returned to this world, and the world itself officially was classified as an Exotic Planet, drawing an assortment of odd Magic Herbs or Natural Treasures, and thousands of powerful beasts. It became, in a similar vein to Blizzaria, a treasure trove for the adventurous, albeit one that was much less dangerous, but also much less rewarding.

“I will secure our transport when we arrive. It’s best if we go on one hired ship.” Aiden’s gruff voice interrupted Dorian’s musings, causing him to look up.

Dorian shrugged, acceding. He was still relatively well rested, carrying a bit of a bounce in his step. He was ready to keep moving forward.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Nearly two hours later, Dorian found himself aboard a decent sized transport vessel, a flying ship that Aiden had single-handedly booked for travel. The Golden Flame Dragon had refused any offer of splitting the cost, something Dorian attributed to a bit of stung pride.

The fact that Dorian had paid entirely for the damages to the city that the fight between Aiden and Leader had caused seemed to have annoyed the Golden Flame Dragon. Not because Aiden would have paid for it otherwise, but because Dorian took it upon himself to resolve it without asking for anything.

Their journey inside the small city had been brief and nothing particularly of note had occurred. They answered a few small questions and promptly entered the city. They travelled as a group to the trading section of the city, and then to the area where the transportation companies and mercenary groups thrived.

One thing led to another, and Aiden had decided to rent out an entire skyship, one that usually carried at least two dozen passengers, no questions asked.

They’d wasted no words and were able to set off after only a short period of time for the crew to get ready. Travel was the largest industry on Lansc, largely due to the nature of the Exotic World. It was almost impossible for most people to easily get around due to the chaotic setup of the floating islands.

And now, Dorian was meditating in a passenger room, currently focusing on himself. The room was small, only a few meters wide and far, with a single cushioned bed and no other furniture. A sparse setup, but the ship itself wasn’t designed for long-term travel, so it made little difference.

Dorian was specifically focusing on a form he was testing out. One he had gained recently, but yet to really try on.

His Wrath Vampire form.

Wrath Vampire – Lord Class (Middle)

Maximum Energy Level: 39,884

Ability: Blood Sense, Strong Constant Regeneration, Bat Transformation, Demonic Eyes, Moving Force, Weakened Magic Sensitivity

Wrath Vampires are a new breed of Vampire, aspected towards the Law of Wrath. They possess incredible physical strength and agility, as well as an extremely powerful life force, able to take otherwise fatal wounds and shrug them off with ease. Their physical appearance is similar to that of regular True Vampires, save for their vibrant white hair, regardless of age. Their powerful Abilities make them nearly unstoppable when they go on a rampage, able to increase their might with every step.

What the Wrath Vampire gains in physical might, however, it loses in magical sensitivity, making even casting the most basic of Spells a trial. This does not affect the ability to draw energy from the power of Law.

Dorian’s rather normal human face had been replaced with an elegant, handsome face that was tinged ever so slightly pale gray. His eyes had become a beautiful, enthralling crimson, while his hair had transformed into a stark white. His body was lean and muscular, but in a slim way, not the bulging muscles of his Titan form.

While in this form, Dorian experienced an uncanny sensation flood his soul.

His ability to concentrate and visualize the magic symbols needed to cast Spells had become extraordinarily weaker. He was aware that the breed of Wrath Vampires had the negative Weakened Magic Sensitivity Ability, but he hadn’t been sure it would directly affect him.

It was clear that it had, however.

He wasn’t even able to cast the Earth Class Fire Magic: Flame Swords Spell without fumbling over it, let alone the Sky Class Fire Magic: Blazing Sword that he was still mastering.

“At least I can become a bat…” He consoled himself.

The Ability Bat Transformation did exactly as it sounded like it did, allowing him to transform into a bat form. The form itself was only a magic construct, however, and wouldn’t give him any Bloodline.

His Wise Jade Dragon form was still in an incomplete stage of growth. He wouldn’t be able to combine it with any of his other forms, including his Wrath Vampire body, until he finished growing it. Till then, Dorian figured it was a good idea to get used to this new body.

As he sat in meditation, running his mind over the powers and Abilities of this form, he could feel a subtle emotion resting in the back of his head.

Anger. Rage.


This feeling didn’t swarm over him. It lay at rest, instead, not controlling him. It was a small, quiet emotion that was connected to this form, and to his soul. It felt almost mystical, a magical type of wrath that was otherworldly.

“Huh…” He muttered aloud as he concentrated on this feeling in his soul.

As he closed his eyes, putting his full focus on it, the air around him seemed to shiver. Slowly, a small breeze picked up and swirled around his body in the locked off cabin.

For some reason, he could feel this emotion strongly flowing within the air around him.

As he was contemplating this, memories began to rise up.

Memories of the anger he felt when William was killed by the Titan on Hasnorth. Memories of the rage he felt when he killed those hunters that were torturing animals on the World Bridge, an action he felt, after the fact, was somewhat too severe. Memories of his rage at almost being killed by the Shades on Blizzaria, forced to allow Yukeli’s memories to partially take over.

“My anger… I am being controlled by it.” As Dorian went over all of this, he came to a realization.

Time and time again, he was letting his anger get the best of him. Without control, without precision. He was allowing himself to be controlled by something else.

As he came to this realization, the slight breeze that had stirred around his body abruptly whipped about, flush for a single moment.

A feeling of euphoria dawned upon Dorian, a wonderful sensation of energy rushing into his Soul. Dorian felt that feeling of anger, that feeling of wrath, that emotion in the back of his mind, come fully under his control.

At the same time, he abruptly sensed a huge store of energy within that feeling. Like a reservoir of power, boiling and stirring in the air itself.

“I can feel it…” He muttered, his eyes taking on a slightly red glow.

“This is… the Law of Wrath… I’ve touched upon it…” He realized.

Dorian’s Wrath Vampire form had an innate connection to the Law of Wrath. His Soul Spell Matrix was already at the Lord Class, making him extremely receptive to the Power of Law.

Laws were intangible concepts that supported reality itself. A Wizard or warrior could draw upon the Laws of the universe much like drawing energy from a limitless battery. A Lord Class fighter could only draw at a limited rate, but they could make use of this energy for a variety of things. They were only limited by their imagination and the fatigue that was associated with drawing the energy through their soul.

“But why?” Dorian opened his eyes, looking at the world around him.

“I can feel it… powerfully in the air.” As he looked around the room, Dorian realized that he could not only feel the Law of Wrath in the back of his head but also strongly around him.

Almost as if the Law had been used very recently in the area.

“No… not recently. A long time ago… someone drew intensely upon the Law of Wrath.” Dorian muttered aloud, nodding his head.

Lansc was the battle site between the Demon Emperor, a master of the Seven Great Laws of the Demon Race, and the Five Great Heroes.

Through a twist of Fate, and thanks to his Wrath Vampire form, Dorian was able to get a look at the Law of Wrath far faster than he normally would have. The remnants the Demon Emperor had left using the Law of Wrath was present even a thousand years after the battle had taken place.

“Wow… That’s incredible.” As he finished speaking, the sense of euphoria Dorian felt reached a peak.

Abruptly, energy from the Law of Wrath began to swarm about his soul, running flush in his Soul Spell Matrix. The air around him shook one more time as his eyes glowed and then fell to a still.

He took a deep breath and then let it out, looking down at his hands. The connection he felt to the Law of Wrath remained in the back of his head.

He had just experienced a baptism of the Laws of the universe.

Specifically, for the Law of Wrath.





I may take a small 1 day break tomorrow, in prep for Thanksgiving here in America!

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