
Chapter 276 - Endeavor

"Hey, Yoichi," Takuma spoke. Before his interlocutor\'s eyes, the words of the Demon Pet System that had appeared on the grass suddenly vanished. "Are you feeling okay, man? Your gaze looks like staring into space," the Grimbrook warrior added.

"Yes, Takuma. Thanks for the help," Yoichi replied coldly, stretching his shoulder and neck muscles. "We need to get back on the road. This detour has taken too much of our time" - No longer able to stay inside that forest, Yoichi walked back the way he came, towards the Waveless River. 


Takuma muttered something inaudible. He grabbed the reins of his horse and followed his experienced friend, dwelling over the incident. 

"Ildriss," Yoichi pronounced, drawing Kenji back inside his chest in a spiral of fire. Within seconds, the young blonde-haired warrior switched Kenji with Ichiro with ease worthy of an experienced tamer. 

The Inoshuma took shape in front of him and Yoichi, without hesitation, jumped on its back. "I should pretend I didn\'t hear anything, right?" - Takuma\'s voice broke the silence again.

Yoichi grabbed Ichiro\'s mane and narrowed his eyes, stopping the horse. Until the last moment, he had hoped that the warrior with the scarecrow had forgotten the secret he shared with Bunjiro. 

"What do you want to know, Takuma?" Yoichi continued. His gaze was pointed toward the river that carved through the valley to the horizon.

Takuma jumped onto his horse and joined his friend, flanking Ichiro. "I\'m a country boy, that\'s true, but... I\'m not so ignorant that I don\'t know that the Emperor has no female daughters," he reported.  "His sons are the strongest fighters in the faction and boast hundreds of battles won against Kamakiri\'s army. What the hell were you and that weird guy talking about? Why was he insinuating that there was a bounty on your head?" 

Takuma\'s questions, while uncomfortable, were legit. Inwardly, Yoichi knew that he would have asked the same questions if he had found himself in his friend\'s place. If he really wanted to hold on to a loyal traveling companion like him, he would have to give him comprehensive answers. 

"It all started on my first night in Goldhaven. My friend Enatsu and I were roaming the streets of the capital when a scream caught our attention..." 

Continuing to ride north and following the banks of the Waveless River, Yoichi told the story of Princess Sui to the grandson of the village chief Gompachi. 

Not in any hurry to jump to conclusions, the Nightblades warrior skipped no details, dissecting the tale with great attention.

The morning sun turned redder and dipped gently beyond the Southborne Mountains, declaring the advent of the afternoon. The Valley of the Northern Waters seemed like a magical place illuminated by that reddish light. Even the corals that clambered overbearingly along the riverbanks seemed to have changed color in a play of shadows that brought out their turquoise hue. 

"Did Shinzo Nishiyama hide his daughter from Tentochu?" At the end of the story, Takuma inquired as if he needed confirmation to believe Yoichi\'s words. "Why would a father ever hide a daughter? What honor is there in such an act?" - Growing up within the community of a small village like Grimbrook, Takuma had a very definite idea of life.

The concept of honor possessed central importance for the red-haired warrior, and the mere thought that the faction\'s Emperor, the most feared and respected man, could hide a creature of his blood from the people made him nauseous. 

Yoichi\'s tale made his traveling companion reason. He fell back into a religious silence and stayed there for several minutes.

"I never wanted to give you this news, Takuma. But what your grandfather claims so ardently about our Emperor is true. Shinzo has only inherited the family name from his father Tatsui. He only cares about appearing powerful in the face of enemies and allies," Yoichi explained. "Princess Sui, born without Oracle and forced to live her life confined into a room, has always been an obstacle to him."

"Allow me to come with you, Yoichi." 

"Uh?" - the sudden words that followed Takuma\'s silence stunned Yoichi. "What do you mean?" he asked, trying to get a better understanding of his intentions. 

"When we left Grimbrook, I told you that our paths would split at Oakenfair, right? Well, I\'ve changed my mind," Takuma stated with conviction, gripping the reins of his dappled steed. "If you\'ll let me, I\'ll help you free Princess Sui and bring her and your friend Shioko to safety from Goldhaven Province," he added.

Yoichi\'s heart increased the intensity of its beat for a few seconds. Would that unknown warrior who had randomly joined him really break the law just to help him save the Princess? Judging by the look on his face, Takuma seemed more serious than ever. 

"What you heard from Bunjiro was real, Takuma. There is a bounty on my head, and the value of that bounty will increase when Shinzo links me to the kidnapping of his only daughter," Yoichi explained, making a few points clear. "Are you sure you want to live the rest of your life as an outlaw? We\'ll never be able to have a permanent home, and we\'ll constantly be under attack by the Emperor\'s guards. Do you really want to abandon the tranquillity of your village for such madness?" 

The corners of Takuma\'s lips curved into a smile, and the light of the afternoon sun reflected in his eyes pointed toward the river. "I have spent my whole life waiting for the time to have a purpose. The elders of my village have always hated Emperor Shinzo, and I grew up according to that ideal. My grandfather and family would be proud of me if they knew that I chose to help you in your noble endeavor," he said. 

"There is no doubt in my mind, Yoichi. Saving the Princess from slavery will be my purpose. I will go with you." 

On that hot afternoon caressed by the humid wind that drew water from the surface of the valley\'s rivers, Yoichi had just gained a new ally. 

A loyal companion had joined his team, and his most hated enemy had been killed. Now all he had to do was find Shusaku and ask him to forge the weapon that would accompany Lumya\'s only Dragon Tamer on the road to his destiny.

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