
Chapter 38: New Sets of Equipments

Chapter 38: New Sets of Equipments

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 500

Agility: 10, 000

Vitality: 2, 000

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God]


“A dungeon?” Oz asked with a surprised tone.

“Yes, a dungeon. It’s totally different from the tomb we ventured before, both in mana amount and difficulty,”

“At the tomb before, the skeleton [king] supply the mana for the undead habitant of the tomb. But in this dungeon, just by entering the first floor, the enormous amount of mana could be felt, there must be a dungeon core inside of it,” Explained Geeta.

“A dungeon core…” Oz muttered slowly.

“Aegir and Co are venturing the dungeon right now, he said that he will report to you personally when he’s back,” Said Geeta with a smile.

“Okay then, if Aegir’s handling the matter personally, there will be nothing to worry about. I’ll just handle other things while he’s out,” Said Oz leisurely.

Geeta smiled as she understood how deep Oz’s trust to Aegir from that sentence.

Oz wandered the developing Tarot together with Geeta, the only executives that stayed is only Azaline and Ibra. Oz visited all places and all races, and finally, he went to meet the dwarves.

“Hey, Thydal!” Oz called to dwarf that’s seems to have got drown at his thoughts while sitting on a wooden chair.

The dwarves got their own respective homes quickly, and they design their own homes that suitable to their taste.

“Yo! Your highness! What brings you here!?” Asked Thydal with a frank attitude.

“Just wandering around, what’re you troubled about? You seem to be in a very deep thought,” Asked Oz.

“Um… Actually….”

Thydal explained the things that currently troubling him, it looks like they’re in a shortage of manpower, there are too many constructions undergoing, and almost all men are busy with their own jobs.

“This country got a lot of potential in developing! But we’re lacking on manpower!” Said Thydal with full of ambitions.

(Manpower, huh…)

Oz contemplates for a moment, and suddenly an idea struck his head.

“How about using the undead?” Oz suggested.

“”The undead?”” Asked both Geeta and Thydal.

“Yea, the Tarot’s undead had some intelligence too, it’ll be easy to command them!” (Oz)

“Hm… You’re right, as long as there is someone who could command them, the construction will go smoothly,” Mumbled Thydal.

“Okay, then! Let’s try it immediately!” Said Thydal enthusiastically.

Oz, Geeta, and Thydal went to the undead territory and told Gareth about Oz’s idea. Gareth react positively when he heard the suggestion, it will be another breakthrough at the kingdom construction and development.

The suggestion Oz made succeed beautifully, the undead have their intelligence and they don’t feel fatigued, commanding them is easier and they don’t need to rest, the construction of the kingdom got boosted greatly because of it.

“Hm… Going with this pace, your palace would be finished in another four months, your majesty!” Said Thydal with full of vigor.

“Great! It will be easier for us to declare our kingdom with the castle! Great job, Thydal!” Oz thanked with a thumb raised.

Oz continued to wander with Geeta to the kingdom’s smithy and found that the smithy had gotten more developed and advanced. The dwarves had made a lot of tools in such a short time, making both Oz and Geeta shocked.

“T-the quality of the swords and armors are top-notch! As expected of dwarves!” Oz praised with his eyes sparkling as he observes the swords.

(If the quality of the swords and armors keep on developing… We could flatten any country!)

As Oz’s imagination had started to gone wild, Geeta tapped his shoulder.

“Hm? What is it, Geeta?” Asked Oz.

“One of the goblins said that brother-in-law is back, let’s meet him,” (Geeta)

Oz and Geeta went back to Aegir’s home to met Aegir. When he arrived, Agira the loyal partner of Aegir is already lying down in front of the house with its huge body.

“Ren! You must be waiting,” (Aegir)

“In this kind of situation, I’m the one who should be saying that though” (Oz)

“So? How’s the dungeon?” Asked Oz while observing Aegir’s body.

(No wounds, huh)

“It’s unimaginably huge,” Aegir said with a serious expression.

“Huge?” (Oz)

“Even though the monsters are weak, but even after the other executives and I explored it personally, we still couldn’t find the stairs leading it downwards, it is so wide that it one floor is as wide as a huge forest,” (Aegir)

“It’ll need a long time to explore it thoroughly, sorry for our incompetence, Ren,” Aegir said with his head slightly bowed.

“It’s fine. Since the floor is wide enough, just let the soldiers train there too, tell this to Fedra and Ibra later. If the floor is as wide as what you described, we’ll going to need a large number of soldiers to explore it rather than just a few people,” (Oz)

“Using them to explore will also give them battle experiences, let them retreat when they face some opponents with zero possibilities to win and asked some higher leveled one to take over,” (Oz)

“I’m thinking to make some fighting style for each species, I think it’ll be useful for them. I’ll teach you, executives, each a fighting style too, and you’ll be teaching some of it to the army, it will increase our army quality, until now, they’re fighting with only they’re brawn but with no brain,” (Oz)

“From now on, there might be some time that I can’t go back to take over this goblin [king] form, so I’ll be needing your help to handle the things together with the other, Aegir, please forgive me,” Said Oz with a helpless smile.

“It’s fine, Ren. It’s my pleasure to help our king!” Said Aegir kindly.

Oz smirked.

“Thanks, man. Well, I’ll be going then,” Oz suddenly bid farewell.

“Wha- Where are you going? It’s haven’t even dawn yet” Asked Aegir.

“I got a business on the other side, just ask Geeta later,” Oz said indifferently and sent his conscious to his real body.

“…” Oz silently observes his room at the orphanage.

(The atmosphere is so different, huh)

When Oz prepared to raise his body, suddenly someone knocked at the door.

*Sound of knocking door*

“Ren, are you awake?” A hoarse voice sounded from the other side of the door.

“Old man? Yes, I’m awake!” Answered Oz.

“Prepare yourself, the promised time almost arrived,” Old man Kyron said and the sound of his footsteps started to get farther.

Oz got up and took the bag that he got from Owen, and took out all of the bag’s contents and equip all of the pieces of equipment. The equipment he got is exactly what he had ordered to old man Kyron.

(Damn! That Owen uncle is awesome! To think that it is exactly the same as what I had in mind!)

What Oz uses is something similar to a black robe, The upper body featured a hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle’s beak, which was connected to the robes, with the torso bearing an open collar. The lower part of the robes was doubly layered, with the back of the robes trailing down to be longer than the front. Around the waist was a long red sash with pouches attached to a belt, holding smoke bombs, poison and medicine vials. The belt also held together scabbards holding throwing knives flanking it. The robes featured a leather spaulder where a cape was attached, draped over and around Oz’s left arm and shoulder.

Oz also uses some black armors at some points of his body: A pair of black gauntlets, a pair of black greaves and black iron shoes, and a jet black breastplate and plackart.

The robe only consisted of black and red color together with an armored pitch-black mouth mask and two long swords sheathed at his back, making Oz looked like a terrifying assassin. After checking and satisfied with what he saw, Oz got out of the room to meet the old man Kyron in the living room.

The moon is high above, everyone should be sleeping right now, but Oz and old man Kyron is still awake with a firm expression imprinted on their faces.

“What good equipment you’re using there, Ren. No wonder it costs a little expensive,” Old man Kyron said as he scans Oz’s equipment.

“Cool, right?” Oz asked with a smirk.

“As cool as it is, whether you succeed the task or not is far more important,” Old man Kyron said with a voice as firm as his expression.

“Even though you’ve grown your mana cultivation to the great swordsman rank, no, wait, you’ve grown again haven’t you kid? I could sense a Master Swordsman rank from you now,” Asked old man Kyron while he narrowed his eyes.

“As expected of you, old man. You realized too quickly,” Oz answered leisurely.

“I’m right! You really are a genius in cultivation! But don’t let this praise made you lower your guard, even though you’ve entered the master swordsman rank, you’re still at the first level, right? You must still proceed cautiously,” Old man Kyron exclaimed.

Every rank of the mana cultivation had three levels, and each level had its own difficulties themselves. The hardest obstacle is the third level, there is a large gap between the third level and into raising a rank. Oz trained easily as he mastered the knowledge of meridians and qi, he figures out the secrets of the mana cultivation quickly.

“Yes, old man. Don’t be too serious, I could make even you a sword god face some difficulties, there won’t be any trouble on killing a despicable duke,” Oz said with a smirk.

“Don’t get too cocky, kid. Keep cautious, retreat if you’re in a dangerous position,” Said old man Kyron still with his stern voice and face.

(This old man cares for me deeply, huh)

“Yes, I’ll be careful. Wish me luck then old man, don’t forget the payment,” Oz said and left the orphanage silently to the darkness with his black mask on.

(Time to do my first assignment…)

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