
Chapter 1802 - Yun Feng’s Peril (8)

Chapter 1802 “Yun Feng’s Peril (8)

Just as Bai Yan was musing over the inconsistency of the timeline, those monsters she heard had already come close enough to be in her view.

At a glance, the demon queen could already notice the difference. They did not have a soul, more like a puppet machine that only knows how to kill that left the whole area muffled with a suffocating stench. To be clear, there are no signs of these creatures being controlled by anyone. Even so, she had no intentions of letting them kill her merely because they are acting on whatever wavelengths they are on.

Drawing her Godslayer from the waist, Bai Yan’s gaze turned sharp and cold at the first monster that drew too close.


Smooth and precise, she sliced the beast directly in half through the middle.

“Father, how about we compete on who can kill the most here?”

Chuckling at the idea, Heavenly found it quite entertaining: “Okay! Today, me and my daughter will have a good competition on who can kill more!”

Even if these monsters are lifeless drones, they still bled like any living creature. However, what they lacked in pain receptors were made up by their strong awareness in sensing intruders.

Before long, hordes of monsters were drawing closer and closer until even the sky had darkened. It’s as if the world’s about to be covered by these things.

Unyielding and unrelenting, Bai Yan has never been one to cower before a challenge. Another slash with her Godslayer, more were gutted with blood sprayed across the air. This woman’s a genuine siege, destroying everything in her wake. Whatever advantage numbers had paled in comparison to her might.

This was what Heavenly saw in his daughter as he took a glance after finishing his own target.

Charming, mighty, powerful, a dazzling blur of red in this battlefield.

How could this man not be happy to have such an incredible daughter?

This was his child, his flesh and blood.

In merely a few years of being apart, she’s grown far beyond his wildest imagination. A proud father he was and rightfully so.

In a measly short hour, the hordes were decimated under the pair’s might. There are innards littering the ground, red staining the dirt, and the stench of irony blood liquid filling the air that made the smell putrid to the nose. Despite this, the carnage could not compare to the bloodiness of Bai Yan’s red dress. It’s crimson, glowing even that oozes the stench of death and glory.

“I killed fifty-five monsters, Father.”

Stabbing his own blade on the ground after wiping some of the blood off his forehead, Heavenly smiled: “I killed fifty-five as well.”

Cocking her brow in surprise at the number, Then that means it’s a draw?

“Father, so these monsters will keep coming after half a month later? You certain about this?” Bai Yan frowned as she scoped out the mountain of corpses here.

She remembers this place being quite clean when she awoke so what happened to those previous hordes of monsters?

“That’s right, they will keep showing up at the half month mark. Their strength will also grow with every wave. As for the corpses, you can just ignore them, they will disappear on their own along with the blood on our clothes after a while.”

The way Heavenly said that showed he’s become accustomed to this pattern. Another proof that he’s been fighting and not lying.

“How come you never thought about leaving this place?” Bai Yan’s already wrinkled forehead tightened further.

It’s within reason for her to be perplexed. If the timeline here moved faster than the outside then he should’ve tried to leave a while back, why stay and continue this fruitless fight? Then there’s the detail about the monsters growing stronger with every wave, it would be a matter of time before those things grow so powerful that they would fail to fend off. It’s a dead end if this continues....

“How can I not want to leave?” Heavenly makes a bittersweet smile and shook his head, “But look around Yan Yan, do you see an exit? I’ve searched the terrain and the mountain ranges already, it always led me back to this spot somehow. That’s when I thought: perhaps the way to leave is to kill enough of these mindless monsters? Maybe then the exit will appear.”

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