
Chapter 1559 - Bai Xiachen’s present (3)

Ling Yun did not respond despite the plea, leaving the whole room in an awkward air of heaviness. Against her husband’s heavy expression, the lady only grew more anxious and worried. She couldn’t stop staring into the man’s eye out of fear on he might think.

Ling Lang definitely felt the oppressive air hanging in the room. Lowering his head in guilt at making this mistake: “Dad, don’t be like that please, I think Bai Yan likes her son very much and seems happy too. Sure, she did get pregnant very young, but I see the child as a gift to her and not a burden.”

After saying that, the guy also took out the bottle of Dan pills in his possession to show the gift he got. “See this Dad? This is something that child gave me. If anyone is to blame then its those bad people who conned my cousin into the ordeal. The two are innocent and shouldn’t be blamed.”

“Both of you don’t have to be so nervous, I know that girl is a good child, nor will I be prejudice against her. After all, she didn’t have anyone beside her during those tough years, no one can blame her for what happened. But you though, Son, if I find out you ever get a girl pregnant without marrying them then I will break your leg!”

Ling Lang simply gawked his mouth ajar in shock after hearing that ending.

Isn’t this too bias? I didn’t even do anything and I still get hit!

“Dad... then what about Smile?”

“How dare you jinx your own little sister?” Ling Yun grew furious and glared at his own unfilial son, “If I find out someone knocked Smile up at that young age then I will break that animal’s leg! As for the baby... our home is more than big enough, we can afford to care for another mouth. Besides, you think everyone is like you who likes to hook up with any beauty that crosses your way? Don’t you dare try me. If I find out you really do knock up a girl without marrying them first then I would rather disown you before I let you step foot into this home!”

Ling Lang literally squealed, his hair raising into a sweaty mess at that warning. “Dad, would never dare!”

It’s true this flirt likes to hang around those beautiful flowers, but when have he ever played around like everyone think? He’s not the type to mess around okay! At most a little kiss or a little touch here and there, but even when he does sleep with them its only with a condom, never raw! Of course, the woes of this playboy would never reach the ears of those closest to him. The behavior portrayed to the public was simply too strong to the point where Ling Lang would never be able to shirk it off even after marriage. At that point the man would constantly be dictated around by his wife due to his philandering playfulness.

“Don’t dare?” Ling Yun sneered at his own son’s promise, “I will believe it when I see it. If you ever become someone like that heartless Wen Shan then I would send you back to the maker than to keep you in my sight.”

A shudder gripped the flirt’s back. For once in his lifetime, he got this sensation that he better keep his manhood in check less he loses it. He knows his old man wouldn’t really murder him, but making his manhood go limp wasn’t something out of the equation. There are plenty of medicine and drugs to do just that!

“Son,” it’s then Bai Ran finally took notice of the pill bottle in Ling Lang’s hand, “did you say that is from Bai Yan’s son?”

Ling Lang finally regained some sense back into himself and nodded: “This is the snack Xiachen gave me. He says its our meeting gift.”

Hearing this, Ling Yun immediately focused in on his son and with more anger this time around: “You animal! How could you take candy from a child? You are his uncle, its you who should be giving him a present and not the other way around!”

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