
Chapter 557 - “Educational” Demonstration

Chapter 557: “Educational” Demonstration

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The lots drawing ended very quickly. The first group would be between Lu Shaofei and Yu Wangyuan. The second group would be between Lou Cheng and Tu Zheng and the last group would be Sun Jianlin vs Jia Lu.

After entering the arena and closeing the heavy and thick glass door, Jia Lu jumped forward a little and waved her short sword. She was enthusiastic but also sighed, “It’s going so fast. The last sparring exercise felt like just two or three days ago.”

“Yeah, the schedule is pretty tight. Sometimes I wonder if the effects would be better if the sparring exercise is held once a month?” Sun Jianlin stretched his muscles and bones to relax. The crisp sound of bones cracking could be heard from every part of his body.

Tu Zheng shook his head and said, “That would be too long. The experience and lesson learned would be quickly forgotten if you don’t apply them to practical battles quickly. It’s true that you will not experience significant improvement in one week but you can make use of this opportunity to discover problems that may be hidden or overlooked when you’re improving quickly.”

There nothing wrong about what you say but why do I not agree with it... Lou Cheng thought and smiled.

“Captain Tu is right. I feel like I’m stronger than I was last Friday and I’ve become much more mature!” Lu Shaofei rubbed both of her hands and couldn’t wait to give it a try.

“Yeah! I’m not the same person that Lou Cheng beat last Friday. I’m more careful and even stronger now!” Yu Wangyuan smiled and supplemented.

It was only an internal sparring session and it was inevitable for someone to be careless.

“Haha, it seems that everyone is full of ambition and confidence!” Tu Zheng laughed heartily. He walked to the middle of the arena and acted as the temporary referee. Lu Shaofei and Yu Wangyuan stood on each side of him with a distance of about twenty meters between them.

This atmosphere isn’t half bad... Lou Cheng sincerely praised. Yeah! As long as there aren’t so many gatherings organized by them, I am pretty fond of such a life. It is very suitable for practicing martial arts.

Obviously, it was another matter when he returned home alone and felt so lonely that he couldn’t fall asleep.

Yan Zheke would be coming soon!

There wasn’t any time allocated for conversation and the match started quickly. Lu Shaofei and Yu Wangyuan were both very familiar with each other. After just a short period of exchanging blows and testing the water, it quickly turned into intense “crossfire”. The match was splendid and if you closed your eyes throughout, you’d would feel like you were on a battlefield with incessant artillery fire.

Yu Wangyuan got his fourth-pin certification earlier than Lu Shaofei and was more mature. However the way he fought was more aggressive and closer to the true meaning of Fire-like Invasion. He was firmly in control of the tempo. As for the latter, she was steady a crimson red flame that burned quietly. Although she was at a disadvantage, she didn’t panic. In the end, she finally caught her opponent’s error while switching between moves and started her counterattacks.

Once she switched from defense to offense, Lu Shaofei started showcasing her shocking explosiveness to Lou Cheng and the rest. With her “Sacrificial Explosion” and Dan explosion, she caused a blazing flame. Each step of hers was steady as she pressed closer with each strike. This forced Yu Wangyuan to use his hidden trump card in advance, the move he failed to use in the match against Lou Cheng the week before, “Purple Sun”!

The Fire Sect’s eleventh move, Purple Sun. It was a simplified physical invulnerability move! This was a move that encompassed attack and defense. The time needed to execute it wouldn’t be any quicker than a martial artist who was at the same level using Internal Explosion. However it was a close combat defensive type. Even if there weren’t many openings, he still could execute it just on time.

Once the Purple Sun was out, the five centimeters of space in front of Yu Wangyuan’s chest would be filled with the crimson red flames from the palm and mouth, creating a vortex in the process. The reddish-gold quickly turned purple as Lu Shaofei’s fist sunk in. This caused her double explosion to fail at hitting her opponent and it only shattered the vortex.

The Purple Flame moved like an arrow and shot outwards quickly, bring chaos into the situation. Yu Wangyuan grabbed on to the opportunity and gained back the initiative and tempo. He didn’t give Lu Shaofei the chance of turning the tables even if she could use the same Purple Flame.

Lou Cheng watched attentively and realised that no matter if it was Yu Wangyuan or Lu Shaofei, their expression would inevitably show fatigue after using “Purple Sun”. Their body functionalities would also drop off. From there, he gained a clearer understanding of the exhaustion of the move.

After the first match ended, the few of them gathered together with Yu Wangyuan and Lu Shaofei in the middle. They concluded the match that had just occurred and exchanged their views about it.

After the analysis, the other three members took steps back and leaned on the reinforced and highly heat resistant glass. Lou Cheng and Tu Zheng stood across each other with Sun Jianlin in between the two of them.

Tu Zheng smiled and took a glance at Lou Cheng. He took a step back and measured the distance between the two of them using his legs until both of them were in their predesignated positions. He lowered his stance, extended his right arm forward and put on a starting position.

Lou Cheng responded with a smile and set his guard.

Before the referee raised his hand, he suddenly saw a reddish-gold object leaping out from his opponent’s eyes and felt the illusory flames burning fiercely towards him.

No. They were not completely illusory and had really heated up the surrounding air flow. While breathing, he could feel his windpipes heating up and felt signs of being scorched!

The aura affects the reality and the mind reflects the material reality! Lou Cheng’s aura could only affect his opponent’s mind to them. He had not been able to change reality. Even if he could, the level was really low and could only be considered as a disturbance to his opponent!

This was a magical act that only one who was close to physical invulnerability could achieve!

Awesome... Lou Cheng started circulating his Ice Force and creating a layer of ice in the internal walls of his nose to reduce the temperature of the air entering his body. This was to prevent injuries to his internal regulatory system which was more fragile than his external.

For an inhuman, it was not a huge problem to not breath for a few minutes. However that was the case only if there was had no exhaustion or. In a practical fight, he could not keep holding his breath if he wished to have his body in the best condition.

Sun Jianlin took a glance at both of his sides, took two steps back, swung his hands down quickly and shouted, “Begin!”

Tu Zheng took a stride forward with his right leg like a high-speed train pulling its body forward. In just a moment, he had rushed to the front of Lou Cheng. The strong and high temperature wind caused by him almost caused his opponent to lose his balance and could even scorch his eyes.

Fire-like Invasion!

When he stopped, he had retracted his breathing and blood flow. His right arm swung out in tempo with the eruption of his internal volcano. He was holding his fist tightly and he could see a layer of reddish-gold flame over it.

Lou Cheng did not attempt any dodging maneuvers. Now wasn’t the time for him to practice his mobility. Experiencing and attempting new things would better fulfil the goal he set for himself. Therefore he did a Force Concentration, stomped both of his legs, keeping one of his arms up to cover his face, and pulled his other arm before swinging it forward fiercely. The scorching hot red flame covered his fist and was about to burn and rip his opponent apart.

Bam! Tu Zheng exerted strength on his fist in advance and landed on the empty face. Reddish-gold flames flowed out, gathered into one spot and started to compress rapidly.


Scorching white light shone radiantly causing Lou Cheng’s vision to be blurred. At the same time, raging airwaves pounced towards him from the front as the fire swept towards him like the deluge. It was as though he would be swallowed.

Fire Sect thirty-sixth move, “Devour”!

Tu Zheng had Devour, which Lou Cheng had asked about the last Monday. It was as though he was trying to prove something!

Lou Cheng had previously thought about how to react, so he wasn’t panicking. A layer of Ice Armor instantly formed around his face, hands, legs and chest reflecting the light of the fire and illuminating the area.

Bam bam bam! A series of flames landed on different parts of his body like torrential rain, causing the layer of ice to melt into water and drip to the floor. The floor around Lou Cheng became moist but soon dried up from the heat.

If it wasn’t for this additional layer of defence, Lou Cheng probably would have suffered burns on his skin and damage to the body. Although he might be able to recover using his vibrant metabolism after some time, he would have still felt awful for some time.

Since he had mastered the realm of “Encountering Gods In The Void, Self Reflection”, the two old scars on his body had faded and new skin had emerged.

Bam! The violent airwaves were neutralized by the scorching punch of Lou Cheng. His legs remained at the same spot and his centre of gravity had not wavered.

Within his Heart Lake, the water had frozen into ice. Using the Ice as a mirror, the surrounding area was reflected as it replaced his eyes and allowed Lou Cheng to be in control of the situation around him.

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind and Lou Cheng felt something wasn’t right. Tilting his body to his side violently, his muscles expanded. While moving against the air friction at high speed, he raised his left arm once again. His left arm was covered in a layer of shimmering crystal and guarded his face.

At this moment, Tu Zheng, who looked like he was taking it easy, suddenly swung his left fist in a well-connected series of movements. On the surface of his fist, a reddish-gold layer gathered with a tinge of purple. His punch was heavy and hard!


The surrounding air flow suddenly collapsed towards the core. It was hot initially and instantly lighted up, turning into a sea of crimson red which gathered around Tu Zheng’s fist. Wherever it moved, Lou Cheng could only defend against it!

It was an “arrow” shot out previously and now it gathered flames.

Fire Sect’s hundred and sixteenth move, “Flying Moth”!

Using his momentum and the changes to his surroundings, this was the true display of it. It was quick, ruthless, magical and beautiful. He wasn’t like Lou Cheng who needed consecutive “Scorch” punches to prepare for it!

Bam! While turning, Lou Cheng caused strong winds and extinguished a substantial number of Flying Moths. As for the remaining, he used the lingering Ice Armor and his body to take them on directly.

Striding forward and closing the distance, Tu Zheng quickly cut to the front of Lou Cheng. He shot out his heavy and ruthless right fist and seemed to be planning to leverage the visual illusion caused by different airflow density to defeat his opponent.

However Lou Cheng used his Ice Mirror as his core and made defensive actions. His arm guard was accurate and right on point. At this moment, Tu Zheng’s Fire Force suddenly exploded silently, giving his fist secondary propulsion and smashed onto Lou Cheng’s shoulders after making a creepy turn.

It was perfectly apt to use Jet Spray at this moment!

“Tu Zheng is really serious today...” Jia Lu mumbled softly while finding it hilarious and shocking.

Typically, he would be pulling back his punches while sparring.

“Using Devour against Flying Moth were all things that Lou Cheng has asked about or used previously. Could this be considered as educational?” asked Sun Jianlin unconsciously.

Which martial artist wouldn’t be competitive and not have the desire to overwhelm his opponent?

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