
Chapter 63 Hello Enemy That I Love 23.1

Three days till Anna will be here, then what? I feel like pulling out my fucking hair waiting. What am I waiting for? To take her back? I can\'t, nothing has changed. Shes still The daughter of that traitorous woman and that family. It isn\'t Anna\'s fault I know that but; She chose to stay after our little skirmish. If I wasn\'t Ren Feng but just Ren Hashiro I could just sweep her off her feet and run away from everything say fuck it all. However; that\'s not the type of man I am and I have a duty to my men. I would kill anyone who gets in my way. That\'s they type of man I am. "That\'s not true, when you could have ended this that first night you brought her home, you couldn\'t do it." The thoughts race through my head arguing with me, contradicting me.

"Damn it! Why the fucks sake did it have to be her?" I say out loud as I get undress from my work suit. "No it doesn\'t have to be her, I will see, when shes here. I won\'t need her I will find her repulsive, I can find another." I mumble more. The door to my room creeks open Mike stands in the door way serious look on his face the boy looks grown up.

"Ren there\'s something you should know."


"My Lady," The stewardess calls my attention as she shakes me awake. We had taken the private plane and it always amazes me how more relaxing it is than on a first class commercial plane. I stir looking up groggily at her. "The plane is landing you should buckle up." She has a kind sweat demeanor but this woman works for the Silver Serpents which means pretty is just the exterior. She could kill someone if need be as a trained assassin. I nod sitting up more and fastening my seat belt as instructed. I look toward the front. Jack is looking back at me worriedly. I smile at him to reassure him it was all going to be fine though I think part of me did it to reassure myself. I know Mike and Malaki would never hurt me on there own but would Ren set a trap. If so, would they listen to that command. My fathers thoughts drill through my mind. His last warning before we departed. Same warning Ren use to give me in our own home, everyone can be an enemy.

Feeling the plane bouncing a little as in touches down and slows its speed, I look out the window watching as it drives into a private hanger where a black limo is parked off to the side. The passenger side and then drivers side in the back begin to open as the plane comes to a halt. My stomach\'s in knots. One last look outside the window, I look back at the door that\'s open and see goofy Mike walking toward the plan. Excitement fills me as I rush to unbuckle before told it\'s okay, jumping up out of my seat and turn the handle tossing open the door I can\'t help running into his arms laughing with excitement. I feel so stupid knowing everyone is watching but I forgot how much I missed his crazy ass.

"Hey little sis," I can here his muffled laugh in my ear as he picks me up twirling me around. "Man short shit, your a site for sore eyes, rather then taking you back to the manor maybe we should head to the shooting range and you and me give that body of yours a work over." I can\'t help but laugh at his normal creepy playfulness.

"Get your disgusting hands off Lady Silverman you sick fuck before I make you." I here Jack bark, I turn toward him no longer laughing, he is storming over toward me and Mike. I want to kill him for what he just said when Mike starts to snicker that evil laugh of his and I feel his arms tighten around my waist from behind. Oh lord he\'s going to make shit worse I just know it.

"That\'s pretty big talk there you have, I would sure like to see you try and make me let go." I feel Mikes breath next to my ear as he blows into it. This bastard is trying to get a rise out of Jack.

"Mike stop or I\'m going to give your body a work over and you\'re not going to like it this time." I whisper under my breath.

"Mike!", A voice echos out from from the entry of the hanger the sun glistening almost making him a shadow. The whole hanger seems to go still as the man walks elegantly closer. As if there hadn\'t been any commotion or silliness just before.

"Hey boss man," Mike says laughing as he looks at Ren now standing just inches in front of us as he still holds onto me. Rens face almost black as our eyes meet and then drift down to Mikes hand that is wrapped around my waist.

I felt fear rush over me as he looked at me an Mike. Dear god was he going to misunderstand again, just like when I first met Silverman. My hand grabbed onto Mikes as I pulled it forward and up throwing my body forward I kicking up behind me, suddenly his weight and warmth was no longer against my back, and the silence and darkness of fear I was feeling was being penetrated by the soft chuckles of Mike, I blinked looking on the floor in front of me. Mike was on the ground laughing now. My mouth dry I lick them.

"Very nice Anna though when you first threatened me I was fearing you where going to disarm me a different way. I\'m so glad this is what you meant." I look at Ren who is staring blankly at me and back to Mike. I can see that goofy look on Mikes face. The one he had when I had shot the paper target in the groin when I first started learning to shoot. I fought back trying not to laugh at this idiot. I had almost forgotten that there where other people around.

Straightening I met Ren eye to eye I wanted to cry want to hold him, wanted him to hold me. "Lord Feng I\'m so happy you could come out to meet us. I am honored to have Feng hospitality while we stay here My Lord." I hold my hand out to Ren I feel the weight of the silence in the room on me even Jack says nothing which is good because if he opened his mouth again I\'m might damn well punch it in. Warmth envelopes my hand as Ren takes mine and shakes it. Though its not something most can see, I can. Rens eyes are softer. I want to smile.

"Lady Silverman." He begins, I interrupt him right there.

"It Darkz always and forever I announce." Part of me feels guilty to the Silverman clan but I have told them this before as well as Daniel. I will not take the Silverman name the name is foreign to me now even if it is true that it is my real name. It might be unprofessional but I just want Ren to know I\'m still me.

He takes my hand and wraps it around his arm escorting me out to the Silver Mercedes waiting outside. "The others can go with Mike and Malaki in the Limo\'s prepared. That okay?" He asks in a more hushed tone. Though if anyone listening had heard probably would think it was an order. I nod in agreement, I can tell how he is acting. He wants to talk he wants to be alone, I \'m going to give him what he wants if it will put his mind at ease. Even with my fathers words in my mind that everyone can be the enemy I just don\'t care. If Ren sees me as an enemy an truly wanted me gone he make sure it happen, and part of me wouldn\'t fight it because my life didn\'t truly begin until him, and it would end with him and that\'s how I really felt.

"Anna!" I hear Jack hollering out after me as I am escorted out of the hanger, I pause seeing the look on his face filled with anger. He rushes up to Ren and I. "Where the hell do you think your going? How can I protect you if you go off with someone else."

I hear Ren growl in annoyance. "Jack I don\'t nor have I ever since the moment I met you needed your protection. And you are insulting Lord Feng so I order you to watch you tongue. I with be with Lord Feng getting things going for the sit in with Elder Berston, I need you to have the rest of the men ready. You know the plan." I lower my voice more leaning into Jack, if they don\'t talk we need to be ready because I going to make the fucker squeal no matter what it takes so get your head in the game and stop worrying about these useless troubles that will cause use problems I say." I can see the hurt in his face but I don\'t have time for this or maybe I\'m just a cold heartless bitch now. "Now go" I order nudging my head back toward inside the hanger where the rest of the Silverman men that came with are wait. Without another word he turns hollering for them to get there slow asses into gear and get the plane unloaded.

I hear a sigh escape Rens lips soon as we are in the car. "How many men are you going to have crawling on there hands and knees till your satisfied," he says putting his head against the steering wheel looking at me with an almost depressed look.

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