
Chapter 727

Chapter 727: Vol V Chapter 87

When the chants and creation of images had ended, the magic created flowed like running water, tearing open a space in the air to open a flash portal. There was a deep and chaotic atmosphere coming from the portal like an abyss. An arm thicker than an ordinary person’s waist stretched out. On it was a thick layer of nails and many spikes that looked extremely menacing. The owner of the arm, a demon with five arms, four legs and two brains, passed through the door with a strange growl.

Although it was hard to pinpoint its origin, Sui Xiong could easily sense that this creature was rather strong. Within the abyss, it would be counted as mid-legendary level and could be a small leader. Even if it faced challenges and was suppressed, it would still be able to maintain its skills. If strong demons like these materialized in a densely populated city, there would definitely be bloodshed. It would be easy for it to get rid of hundreds of people, and that would already be considered little. If they were careless, even a whole town could be completely wiped out.

Devils were strange creatures in the sense that even if their strength was suppressed, its chaotic nature would still exist. If one neared it or looked at it, it would stir chaos in that person’s heart and make them crazy. If explained in game terms, one could say: As its chaotic nature was key, any approach by a human would test their mental strength. If one were to fail, he would become haunted. Of course, Sui Xiong was unaffected by this devil, but looking at the evil vibes from the portal, he was worried for the humans. This was especially so as there was a large crowd of demons gathering behind the portal as well. He frowned and was able to close the portal when the giant fish made a faster move and canceled its own magic. With a burst of greyish-white light, the portal disappeared, and with it, all the chaotic energy and demons summoned disappeared as well.

Good, at least this giant fish is neither stupid nor crazy.

Sui Xiong smiled slightly and set aside the idea of battling the giant fish and decided to continue his quiet observations instead. The closing of the portal seemed to startle the devil who had passed through, but it did not panic; this was probably because it lacked feelings, or perhaps because its attention was on the giant fish.

This devil was rather big and was about two stories high in height, like a giant. However, compared to the giant fish, it was of course still smaller. If one wanted to describe it... if the giant fish had opened its mouth to eat the devil, the devil could use his hands and legs to prop the fish’s mouth open. That was it.

Sui Xiong felt that if he was the summoned devil who had to face such a huge creature, he would be extremely scared and worried. However, the devil seemed indifferent, and it stared at the giant fish with yellow-green liquid flowing out of its mouth.

Was that saliva? Was the devil planning to eat the fish?

Sui Xiong made some guesses in his head.

The idea was funny to him as he felt that it was highly likely. He had guessed this from reading the inner thoughts of the giant fish—summoning food for consumption, that was its way of life.

How interesting, both parties want to eat each other...

Sui Xiong watched excitedly, curious as to what methods they would use against each other.

The first to strike was the giant fish. Its scales emitted light, and a gust of magical wind started blowing. This wind was not too strong, but it had a curiously refreshing feeling. The chaotic energy brought about by the monster was dissipated completely. With this gust of wind, the devil’s magic was diminished as it’s valve was closed off although it was not tangibly visible. Now, it no longer had legendary magic. Of course, the devil was not about to sit and allow himself to be destroyed. He also took action. Its body, covered with enamel, had a fascinating purple light which was emitted at an astonishing speed like a swaying shadow. Almost instantly, it crossed at least thirty meters towards the giant fish. However, right at this moment, the giant fish also carried out its next attacking move. It waved its tentacles and prepared to attack the devil. To the devil, the tentacle was like a thick cane, and he went flying once struck. Even before he had landed, the other tentacles reached out to grab and crush it, rendering him immobile.

The battle was over.

From start to end, the battle only lasted for half a second. The devil did not have time to demonstrate any magical power. Perhaps it had wanted to test the giant fish first. In any case, that no longer mattered as it was unable to retaliate in the death grip of multiple tentacles.

Sui Xiong was unsure as to whether this was all the giant fish could do, but he was sure that the devil was doomed. As expected, before the devil could take any further action, large amounts of viscous, greyish-white liquid was secreted from the tentacles that held it, drowning the devil.

This liquid seemed to have strange powers as the devil was previously filled with crazy, evil energy but once drenched, it calmed down entirely. His eyes now had a peaceful and blank look. Eventually, even this look was gone, and it had transformed into a full state of calmness. Its body also rapidly changed in color once he was drenched and became a dull greyish white as well. The hard armor layer and thorns all became soft.

After about five minutes, the devil had become soft like slime and was lying on the floor, motionless. The giant fish had retracted his tentacles long ago, but the devil remained in that state. Sui Xiong tried to read its inner thoughts and realized he was almost empty and devoid of any emotions, like a hollow shell. To transform the devil into that clearly took a toll on the giant fish. Thus, after completing this task, it took a long rest until the next day to recuperate. Then, it used its tentacles to bring the devil to his mouth. Suddenly, Sui Xiong realized that its mouth was rather small, unlike most carnivorous fish. As compared to its huge body, it seemed rather disproportionate and exquisite.

The devil was a little big for his mouth size, even if he opened his mouth fully, it would be a struggle to swallow him whole. However, as the devil was in slime form, the giant fish used a sucking motion to ingest the devil.

This consumption was rather tiring, and it took him ten minutes to complete his meal. Sui Xiong realized that the giant fish probably converted the devil to slime as this was the only food form it could take in. It was rather pitiful that this giant creature harvested so much energy yet was trapped in a tiny river and left to fend for itself in such strenuous ways.

Thus, Sui Xiong showed himself and spoke to the giant fish which had instinctively defended himself. “I find you interesting. Would you like to leave this place and explore the outside world with me?”

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