
Chapter 298 298 - Sullied

Fan Xui crumbled down, hugging his aching head.

\'It\'s all because of that Xiaolin! I failed to take him out. It\'s because of that Yue got hurt.... I was supposed to protect him. I was supposed to be there for him... instead I was so ignorant and naïve.\'

"I\'ve done what I can." the doctor stood before him. "The stomach has been flushed out but I\'m not sure if it left a lasting effect on his body. If we had our technology, we could have known. Now.... I just hope nothing is wrong with him."

"t-thank you..."

The doctor nodded and went over to take care of other patients.

Fan Xui gaze at his lover. He was pale.

He gently touched his fingertip. "I failed to protect you, but this won\'t happen again. I will deal with everything and meet you again, Yue." He kissed his knuckles and hurriedly walked out.

That notorious gang might still be active. He needed to take them out.

[\'kill them all!\'] The other Fan Xui shouted in rage.

"that\'s what I\'m planning to do,"

Just out the hospital door, he saw a black hooded figure standing there awkwardly.

His mind went into panic mode.

He pushed the man into the wall grabbing his neck. "Did they send you to kill him?! I will deal with you myself,"

"Fan!" Qian pulled him from behind. "That\'s Peng Peng!!" he screamed.

Fan let go of him.

The hooded figure trembled visibly.

"Oh god," Qian cupped his face gently. "Fuck, are you hurt? Show me your neck,"

The hooded man shook his head and pulled the hood closer to his face.

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay.." Qian pulled him into a tight hug. "Fan was just panicking... he won\'t hurt you okay....."

Peng Peng calmed down a bit. Even so, he was shivering slightly

He had to distract him fast or else his lover might have a full on panic attack.

Qian noticed it before but Peng Peng was very conscious of how others viewed him. he was still so scared to expose his ears or his tail. He felt like it was an embarrassment and that he was a freak.

"Peng ah, they have soup dumplings in the canteen. Why don\'t we get some?"

Peng Peng shook his head.

"Then why don\'t we go home and make some.."

Hesitantly Peng Peng nodded.

"Great great," he gently kissed the top of his head.

Qian glanced at Fan who stood there petrified. "it\'s okay Fan. Calm down. Xiaolin\'s gang was fully taken out. The ones who positioned Yue are gone now. Calm down, please,"

"T-there\'s one more..." Peng Peng softly whispered.

"Huh?" Qian peered at the top of his lover\'s head. "What do you mean?"

"There is one other guy who poisoned Yue.  I sniffed it out.... he was at his home...."

Fan Xui became frantic again. He grabbed Peng Peng by his shoulders. "who is it! Tell me now! Who is it!"

"Fan! Let go of him! You\'re hurting him!"

Peng Peng bravely looked up. "It\'s my neighbor. He has a dog. Today he came back home in a hurry, smelling just like Yue and some other chemical. Just like that poison on Yue\'s body. He must be one of the gang members."

Both of them froze.

Qian dryly chuckled. "You.. You only have one neighbor...."

"Yes, I\'m talking about him."

"Liwei... Liwei can be two-faced and selfish, but he is not that kind of person. I\'ve never seen him do a cruel act...." Qian stammered.

Peng Peng just gaped at him. "That guy? He beats the shit out of his dog every day! That poor thing cries so much that my ears are bleeding. He is not a kind person Qian! he is not!"

Fan Xui dashed out!

"Fan! Wait it\'s..."

Peng Peng grabbed Qian\'s hand. "why are you stopping him? That guy deserves to die for what he did to Yue!"


Peng Peng peered into his eyes, "do you not beleive me?"

"I believe you but... this.. it sounds too unbelievable..."

Peng Peng let go of him. "You know what? If you trust him so much, go live with him. I don\'t wish to see you for a while,"

"Peng Peng ah,"

Qian ran after him but his lover was super fast that he got out of his sight in just a minute.

He stood by the barrack gates panting. "shit.... did we just break up? no! Peng Peng ah I don\'t wish to break up! Wait for me!" he ran.

By the time he got to Peng Peng\'s house, he could already hear a lot of shouting and screaming coming from next door.

He ran to that place.

There were a lot of boxes of food scattered on the ground. some were crushed and burned slightly.

Qian walked further in.

His friend had pinned Liwei to the ground. "why.. why did you do this to my lover?!"

"I didn\'t do anything... I didn\'t do anything... please Fan believe me. I didn\'t do anything..." Liwei cried loudly.

"Fan we should have a civilized conversation. We still don\'t know if Liwei did it or not..."

Qian tried his best to mediate this fight but things got out of hand quickly.

Liwei sobbingly grabbed Fan\'s hand. "I love you so much Fan.. Why won\'t you understand? I will never do anything to hurt you... I will never do anything."

"SHUT UP!" Fan\'s body started to glow bright blue

"I never did...."

Qian stood there silently. He did not know what to do. Fan was on the verge of exploding. If he got any closer, he would be affected by the electric force.

He glanced around, searching for something to separate them.

Suddenly his eyes fell on the blood on the ground. a huge amount of bloody blond hair was on the ground.

"w-what is this...." he picked it up. it felt soft, unlike human hair. "is this dog hair?.."

Behind a box he heard a small whimper.

Qian was shocked. There was a huge golden retriever whimpering with it\'s tails tucked in. its nose was bleeding profusely and there was a huge cut on its abdomen.

"Fuck.. Peng ah was right..."

He glanced back. Fan Xui had already shocked Liwei unconscious.

Qian silently peered at him. "What are you going to do to him?"

Fan Xui stood up, dragging Liwei by his hand. "I\'m going to make him regret his life,"

"Fan... just.. just give him a quick death. Or better yet, let the military deal with him. Don\'t sully your hands,"

"My hands have already been sullied," Fan glanced up. His eyes were glowing blue. "This fucking bastard is the reason Yue died in his past life.. he.. he doesn\'t deserve a peaceful death... he does not..."

Qian couldn\'t argue with him any further.

He watched Fan Xui drag Liwei out the door like a used doormat.

Qian silently followed after him.

He watched as Fan dragged him to the walls. Along the way the soldiers saw him but none could stop him. They all gave way.

Fan climbed up the unfinished side of the wall. Liwei was half hanging down.

"This is what happens when you try to hurt the one I love!" Fan shouted.

The sky rumbled loudly, and flashes of thunder fell down upon him.

Fan Xui turned over and peered at the gnarly zombies clawing at the wall. "the ones who hurt him will not deserve a peaceful death!" he tossed Liwei down.

Coldly, he watched the zombies tear at his limbs.

Halfway through, Liwei woke up.

"ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhh..."

Blood-curdling screams were heard.

Qian silently closed his eyes. This was the brutal side of Fan Xui he had never seen before. It was cruel..

But can a person live without being cruel in this harsh world...

Fan Xui jumped down and walked away coldly.

The armed soldiers did not get in his way.

That display was power was enough to deter anyone from attacking him.

Qian once again followed after him silently.

Fan Xui walked to the barrack while he walked over to his lover\'s house.

He gently knocked... "Peng ah...."

There was no reply.

Qian sat on the porch.

"Peng ah.. Liwei is... dead... I.. I don\'t know how I feel about it. I know I\'m naïve. I know I\'m gullible but the Liwei I remember is a very sweet person. Whenever my dad ignored me, I would go to him. He was like a younger brother I never had... what made him change... is it because I ignored him.... is it because he had no one by his side...."

Peng Peng opened the door. "People are like that..... they change..."

"That drastically? I saw tons of food in his house. Do you think.. he perhaps knew this was coming? Did he change because of it... I remember, he really wanted to stay with Fan. If he stayed with us, would he would not have changed, right?"

Peng Peng hugged him from behind. "Who knows... don\'t dwell on maybes. Come in. it\'s getting cold,"

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