
Chapter 316

Before continuing to move forward, he told Elias about the vision Isaac had just had and that he didn’t know how, but that it was Diana who had retrieved that golden sword that had managed to kill him at the time.

He told him not to worry though because they had trained hard so that if one day this sword appeared again, they would be able to destroy it and that was exactly what he intended to do.

He told him to be ready to protect their men if the Emperor of the Titans finally decided to launch a massive attack against them when he would realize that the life of his wife and daughter was threatened.

And as he advanced to meet Diana he smirked and said to Elias, ‘My dear husband, the time to teach them a lesson may come sooner than expected.’

Elias then said to him, ‘If she hurts you, I’ll kill her.’

Miguel reminded him that they could give them a glimpse of what the Warrior Spirits’ strength was and who they would have to fight if they ever decided to declare war, but that giving them a glimpse didn’t mean declaring war.

He reassured him again and said that he would destroy that sword once and for all and that he would also take this opportunity to capture Cassandra.

Once he felt that Elias had relaxed and was once again focused on their mission, he decided to remove his force field that was concealing his presence because he was curious about Diana’s true identity and how she had gotten that golden sword.

She was standing right in front of him with her sword in her hand in front of the door where Cassandra was supposed to be and when she saw him she smirked and said to him : “So you’re the one Elias sent, the one with the weakest aura, the one that nobody notice.”

Her eyes then turned electric blue and she asked him : “But who are you ? You don’t appear in any of my visions, it’s as if you don’t exist.”

Miguel also smirked and he asked her : “Tell me how you got that sword and I’ll answer your questions.”

Diana laughed then and she said to him : “Who you are doesn’t matter to me, because I’m going to kill you right here and now, you’re no match for the power of an ancient God and this sword.”

Miguel’s smirk disappeared from his face and he said with all the disdain he felt for her: “That might have been true if you were still an ancient God, but you gave up your God powers to make your daughter the new Goddess of Strategy so how do you plan to use the powers of this sword ?”

Diana laughed hysterically and after calming down she told him: “Watch and see for yourself !”

Miguel frowned as he felt a burst of power and he had just enough time to see Talismans light up on the walls of this room before being teleported to a dimension.

He then asked her while testing his energy reserves to see if this dimension was strong enough to restrict his powers : “Whose dimension is this ? I have to admit I’m impressed, it’s been ages since I’ve seen those Talismans that are used to teleport to a dimension, why didn’t you just link this dimension to your divine energy… Or is it because you’re not powerful enough to link your energy to such a dimension.”

Diana clenched her fists, that was true, she wasn’t powerful enough to link this dimension to her divine energy, but how this man could know about that, she then said to him: “I too am impressed that you know about those Talismans, very few people know about them even the new Gods have no idea of their existence… Interesting.”

Miguel who finally wasn’t hindered at all by this dimension made his own sword appear in his hand, its blade was crystal clear and it was made of a unique ore that had been created in their home world to him and Elias, where the fights against the Gods had been the most violent.

It had taken Caleb over a hundred years to find a way to crafted a weapon with it and to harness its full potential. This sword was probably the only one that could match the power of the one Diana held in her hands, but he still didn’t understand how she’d been able to retrieve this sword and who this dimension belonged to.

Diana’s eyes turned electric blue again and the blade of her sword began to glow with a golden sparkle, she then said after her face darkened: “How is it possible? You are dead, you were the last leader of the resistants and the last of those damn Priests from the very first world created by the Creator. It was the world most coveted by the Gods and it suddenly disappeared after the war of the Gods against the Warrior Spirits.”

Miguel smirked and he said to her: “I see, so you must be related to that bastard who killed me and broke our bond of Dual cultivation with Elias forever, who was he to you before my husband killed him… Your father, your master, your brother, your lover…”

Golden flames appeared on her sword and then she said to him: “So Elias is your husband, I don’t know how it is possible that you are still alive but I must admit that it is rather a good surprise, I wonder how he will react when I throw your lifeless body at his feet… Just imagining the despair in his eyes, nothing, absolutely nothing, will give me more pleasure.”

She laughed again and as she saw that this man didn’t seem at all worried about his fate, she said to him : “I’m going to tell you a secret that I’ve kept since the dawn of time before I kill you. Alistair, the one who killed you, was the master of all the ancient Gods, he was the first God of War and just like Elias he was feared by the other Gods because he was far too powerful.

It was Alistair himself who chose me to become the Goddess of Strategy and it was him who taught me everything. This dimension was created by him, and I’m the only one to have access to it. Before, we were three ancient Gods who had access to it, but thanks to your husband and his army of Warrior Spirits who got rid of them for me, I am the only one of his students still alive.”

Diana changed of position, ready to attack, and she said to him: “Didn’t you and your husband ever wonder why Elias inherited the title of God of War but never inherited the powers that came with that title ?”

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