
Chapter 263 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 22

When the car arrived at the Han mansion, Han Tao stepped down from the car and helped Chen Meili off too. Min Yanyu and Han Rong were both a step behind, supporting the Han Madam whilst Gu Longwei, and his daughters were the last to step out of the car.

They all walked into the mansion and expecting the babies to be in the nursery that Han Tao had set up with Chen Meili, they all walked to Han Jinhai\'s family wing whilst Han Rong, Han Yi and Han Jiao decided to go over to Han Tao\'s wing to berate Xu Lifen instead.

Up in the room, He Yuan was going through a report he\'d just received from his employees at the flower shop when,




His eyes trailed to the babies in the cot. They only stirred a bit before going back to sleeping peacefully. He subconsciously let out a sigh of relief and walked over to the door.

The very moment the door opened up, he heard,

"Xu Lifen you\'re really bold! What gave you the right to take the heirs out of the blue? How irresponsible could you get?!"

He Yuan eyed Han Rong with a raised brow but before he could answer, footsteps were heard stomping up the stairs. Less than five seconds later, a panicking Chen Meili appeared in his sight followed by a frowning Han Tao.

Looking at the expressions of the newcomers, Han Jiao and Han Yi exchanged confused looks whilst Han Rong frowned. "Meili what\'s wrong?"

Chen Meili burst into tears then. "Aunt Rong~ The entire nursery is gone and the babies are nowhere to be found!" And then she burst into a fit of trembling and heaving.

Seeing this, the rage in Han Tao\'s heart increased by several folds. He gently tapped the grieving woman\'s shoulder before walking up to stand before his wife with a heart stopping glare. "Xu Lifen. Where are the twins?"

He Yuan stared at the man before him with a droopy expression. Even though he knew how shitty Han Tao\'s treatment of Xu Lifen was, he still had moments like these where he just could not comprehend the man\'s display at all.

He ended up shrugging casually. "They\'re with me. Any problem?"

The Han Madam, supported by Min Yanyu, arrived then. She heard He Yuan\'s words and trembled so much from anger that she shakily turned around and grabbed her walking stick from Gu Longwei.




After hitting it with so much vigour and successfully drawing the attention of everyone, the she pinned He Yuan with a fierce glare. "Xu. Lifen! Why would you take the heirs without informing anyone?!"

He Yuan\'s lips arched a little. "I forgot."


The Han Madam was trembling so much now that Min Yanyu had to place a hand on her chest to give her a soothing rub. She nudged her daughter-in-law away and eyed He Yuan once more. "What do you mean by you forgot?!"

He Yuan shrugged his shoulders. "I simply forgot. Anyways, you can\'t blame me. If you all had informed me that you were going to pick up \'my babies\' before you left, I would\'ve told you that I already had them."

The expressions on the Hans turned stiff and dogdy and 888 chuckled. They had deliberately left out on informing the mother of the twins that they were going to pick up her own children but had no qualms hassling the mother of said twins for doing the same thing. Where did they keep their logic?

Chen Meili\'s cries quietened down by a few notches then. She looked around with pleading eyes. "Can we not argue now?" Her chest heaved a little more and she trembled in distress as she slowly walked up to He Yuan with a drain demeanor. "Sister-in-law, please I just need to check if the babies are alright."

Everyone turned to Chen Meili with soft expressions. The fact that her number one priority was the safety of the babies made their hearts fill up with goodwill.

On the other hand, He Yuan slowly eyed Chen Meili from head to toe and back. "Is there a bomb in your brain? What exactly are you insinuating? You just heard my babies are with me and you want to check if they\'re alright? Why would they not be alright?"

Chen Meili flinched and whimpered as if she\'d been burned and Han Tao automatically glared at He Yuan in warning. "Xu Lifen, that\'s enough. Move out of the way, I want to see my children."

He Yuan rolled his eyes and after waiting for several seconds, he lazily moved away from the door. There was nothing he could do to stop Han Tao from seeing the babies before Xu Lifen gained full custody of them.

As they all walked in, he took out Xu Lifen\'s phone and sent a brief text to the wet nurse.

Once everyone entered the room, Han Tao narrowed his eyes at the items he found. Apparently, this was where the entire nursery had gone. He turned around to stare at his wife but Xu Lifen did not give him the time of the day. She simply looked away like the room had always been this way.

Chen Meili moved ahead of everyone else and rushed over to the cot. Looking down at the sleeping babies, she coughed out a tear and wiped her face in relief.

At that moment, both babies opened their eyes and let out streams of soft whimpers. She smiled and looked to the Hans coming behind her. "They woke up."

Then her eyes widened in remembrance. "I- I.."

Min Yanyu frowned. "What\'s wrong?"

Chen Meili gulped. "I had planned to feed them before we came home but sister-in-law..." She glanced at He Yuan briefly before looking to the rest nervously. "It\'s my fault, I should have woken up earlier..."

Everyone turned to pin He Yuan with horrified glares at that moment. What did Chen Meili\'s words mean? It meant that Xu Lifen had gone over to the hospital and snatched the babies without having them fed first. It\'s been hours since their last feed. Was she planning on starving them to death?!

The Han Madam pushed Xu Lifen to the back of her mind first. The precious Han heirs were starving! She waved at Chen Meili. "Quickly, have them fe-"

"They\'re already fed." He Yuan directly cut in.

At that moment, the wet nurse walked in. "Hello," She said with a polite smile whilst everyone but He Yuan had confused expressions on their faces.

He Yuan nodded at her. He didn\'t have any more time to waste on these people so he waved at the nurse and said, "I got a wet nurse for my babies. I would be personally handling their feeding from now on."

The Han Madam placed a hand on her chest like she\'d heard the most absurd thing ever. She looked from He Yuan, to the wet nurse and back to He Yuan. "What do you mean by you hired a wet nurse?!"

Meanwhile, Chen Meili was frozen in shock. She stood rock still without moving her eyes from He Yuan\'s face. She couldn\'t believe it. Why would her sister-in-law get someone else to feed the babies when she was right here?

She had carried brother Tao\'s babies for nine whole months and gave birth to them! Did that not mean anything to Xu Lifen? How was a wet nurse better?

In the room, Han Tao looked at the wet nurse and turned to He Yuan with a frown. What was this? "You got a wet nurse... Without my permission? Is this the kind of decision you can make alone?!"

Even Min Yanyu was perplexed. "Why would you hire a wet nurse when we have Chen Meili? She\'s already offered to directly breastfeed the babies so why hire a wet nurse?!"

Han Rong grit her teeth. "Send her away, now!"

Han Tao closed his eyes for a while to calm himself before looking to the nurse. "I\'m sorry but your services are not needed, you don\'t need to refund any pay-"

"Hold it there." He Yuan cut in. Was Han Tao mad? Did the man know how much wet nurses cost? What did he mean by she can keep the payment like it was his own money in the first place? Besides, "What do you mean by her services are not needed?"

Han Tao\'s chest heaved slowly as his impatience built up. "We have no idea who this woman is. You can\'t randomly bring in people to feed my children! Chen Meili has kindly offered and she is the one who gave birth to the babies so why bother looking for someone else?!"

He Yuan walked over to the bedside drawer and pulled out a brown envelope before casually flinging it at Han Tao. "There\'s her medical history and full body tests. From three different hospitals. Besides, all she does is provide breast milk for the babies -under supervision- without directly interacting with them. Tell me, why can\'t I use her?"




The Han Madam slammed her cane on the ground before pointing a shaky finger at He Yuan. "How could you compare feeding from bottles to directly breastfeeding at this early stage?! They are heirs of a prestigious family and not impoverished orphans like you!"

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