
Chapter 368 - Transformation of The Ambassadors of The Sun

Chapter 368: Transformation of The Ambassadors of The Sun

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

An Lin felt like his balls were about to fall off after looking at these smiles.

A powerful thought reverberated throughout his head; he had to stop Xiao Hong from falling even further!

“Xiao Hong, can I talk to you about something?” An Lin looked very carefully at Xiao Hong.

“Sure, I’m all ears, Master!” Xiao Hong replied obediently.

An Lin cleared his throat before continuing, “Do you think these monks are more devout to the sun or are you the more devout worshipper of the sun?”

“It’s me, of course! These are the ambassadors of the sun summoned by me, so they’re manifestations of my will to a certain degree!” Xiao Hong replied after a moment of thought.

“Then why don’t you make the ambassadors of the sun take on your appearance? Isn’t it much more fitting to have a young woman who photosynthesizes daily represent the sun as its ambassador? It would be perfect!” An Lin proposed.

“But…” A conflicted expression surfaced on Xiao Hong’s face as she said, “I… I feel like musclebound monks are more intimidating…”

An Lin winced at her words, unable to respond.

Intimidating? They just looked like absolute freaks!

“This is an order from me. Change the ambassadors of the sun to your own appearance from now on!” An Lin commanded.

He couldn’t get through to her with reason, so he could only use his power as her owner to force Xiao Hong to do his bidding.

“Alright…” Xiao Hong puckered her lips in unwillingness, but she still waved her staff in the air and the nude monks began to transform as light radiated forth from her staff.

The transformation was over, and An Lin and Da Bai both began to experience elevated heart rates.

They were treated to the mesmerizing sight of a few exquisitely beautiful women, standing in front of them in full nudity.

They all shared the same appearance as Xiao Hong, and although they were all materialized from golden light, they were still quite the erotic spectacle to behold with their sexy, long legs; slim, curvaceous waist; and plump, full breasts…

An Lin and Da Bai both sustained internal injuries and blood flowed from their nostrils.

What should he do? Should he make another demand for Xiao Hong to add clothes onto these ambassadors of the sun?

Hmm… There didn’t appear to be a problem even if she didn’t add clothes to them though…

No! He could see everything, but that meant his opponents could also see everything!!

“Cough, cough. Xiao Hong, ambassadors of the sun need clothes as well!” An Lin continued.

“Huh… I have to add clothes too? That’s really tricky…” Xiao Hong puckered her lips in displeasure.

Da Bai immediately chimed in, “Don’t add the clothes if it’s too much trouble, woof!”


An Lin struck a blow at Da Bai’s head!

“No, they need clothes!” An Lin spoke with a non-negotiable expression.

“Yeah, add some clothes on, Big Sister Hong!” Da Bai echoed as a bump began to appear on his head.

Under the coercion of An Lin, Xiao Hong had no choice but to design some clothes, then add them onto the ambassadors of the sun.

Disappointment flashed through Da Bai and An Lin’s eyes as they surreptitiously wiped the blood from their nostrils.

“Make sure the ambassadors of the sun look exactly like that when you summon them in the future, understand?” An Lin commanded again.

“Alright, alright! You’re so annoying!” Xiao Hong humphed in displeasure. “I’m tired so I’m going to rest now. Don’t go to places that are too dark next time, or I won’t be able to sleep well then.”

An Lin rolled his eyes.

So it turned out the only reason Xiao Hong actually entered the battle was that the environment was too dark and disrupted her slumber.

Speaking of which, weren’t darker environments more conducive to sleep?

But her light was powerful indeed. It was able to light up the darkness that engulfed even the light from his Divine Flames.

A red light flashed, and Xiao Hong once again reverted back to her flower form before settling into An Lin’s pocket.

Their surroundings dimmed significantly after the sun disc above Xiao Hong’s head disappeared.

The ambassadors of the sun also dissipated into specks of golden light.

An Lin pulled the little red flower out from his pocket and pinched on the beautiful, red petals. The petals were soft and smooth to the touch, and Xiao Hong shivered slightly under his fingers.

“What now?” a cute voice sounded with a hint of exhaustion.

“Nothing, I just haven’t touched you for a long time and wanted to see if you had grown up,” An Lin replied with a smile.

Xiao Hong shook her red, flowery head and spoke quietly, “… Master, are you molesting me?”

An Lin grimaced and immediately stuffed Xiao Hong back into his pocket.

What was this world coming to? Why was it so hard for him to bond with his beast pets?

An Lin and Da Bai both swallowed a Blood Spirit Pill each and meditated to recover from their injuries.

This had been a particularly fearsome trial during which both of them had sustained severe injuries. The trial also alerted An Lin to just how terrifying trials with zero survival probabilities were.

According to what Bai Ling had told him, the trials would only get harder as he progressed onward. Just how difficult was the next trial going to be? Thank God that Xiao Hong stepped up to the plate. Otherwise, he didn’t know what price he would have to pay to pass that previous trial.

Thoughts of retreating began to surface in An Lin’s heart.

A whole day passed by before they knew it.

With the assistance of the pills, An Lin and Da Bai were essentially fully recovered from their injuries.

“Big Brother An, are we going to continue? Woof!” Da Bai asked.

A hesitant expression appeared on An Lin’s face. Should they continue?

He had initially thought that he could steamroll whatever trial that came his way through sheer power, but this didn’t appear to be a plausible course of action now. There were simply too many factors that could render his strength useless…

“Da Bai, it’s getting too dangerous. How about you exit the ruins first and I’ll take on the rest of the trials by myself?” An Lin finally made a decision after much thought.

He would be unable to access the Purple Star ruins once he progressed to Soul Formation Stage, so he felt like he had to take a risk and grab this opportunity before he made his breakthrough. The path of cultivation was fraught with peril, and it was exactly these perils that worked to strengthen the cultivator’s Dao Heart and push them to progress further!

“Big Brother An, what kind of dog do you take me for? I’m not someone who fears death. If you’re going to continue, then I’m coming with you!” Da Bai spoke with determination.

An Lin was greatly moved by Da Bai’s words, and he patted Da Bai’s head with a tender expression. “Alright! Let’s continue onward!”

The metal gate slowly opened to reveal a tunnel which was lined with blue ripples.

An Lin and Da Bai continued through the tunnel, and they could feel the temperatures falling as they went.

In the end, the two of them arrived in a cavernous space.

The whole space was entirely shrouded in a layer of white snow and ice, and the two of them couldn’t help but shiver from the freezing temperatures. There was a blue crystal on the other side of the chamber. The crystal exuded a brilliant blue light and blue ripples ran along its surface, similar to the blue ripples lining the walls of the tunnel An Lin and Da Bai had just passed through.

“Welcome to the Trial of Extreme Frost. Make your way to the blue crystal and inject your vital energy within to pass this trial. According to prior statistics from past trial-takers, the probability of surviving this trial is zero. Successful completion of the trial will grant you the inheritance of spatial-congealment. Do you accept this trial?” Bai Ling’s voice sounded within the chamber.

An Lin immediately thought back to the Trial of Destruction upon hearing these instructions. He was required to inject his vital energy into a white ball at the end of a bridge back then in order to pass the trial.

The condition for passing this trial was extremely similar to that of the Trial of Destruction, so this definitely was not going to be an easy task. He had only managed to pass the Trial of Destruction through the clever use of his Chaotic Alloy Brick. What was he going to do during this trial? He couldn’t just force his way through to the other side of the chamber, could he?

He didn’t know what dangers this trial would present, so he could only give it his very best.

An Lin brought out his Chaotic Alloy Brick and gripped his Evil-Slaying Sword. He made sure to prime himself into the best possible condition before the commencement of the trial.

“Let the trial begin!”

The blue crystal immediately began to glow with a blinding light as the trial commenced.

An extremely cold aura swept toward An Lin at an alarming speed!

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