
Chapter 358 - We Aren't Your Enemy

A violent wind swept past the group of enemies standing on opposite sides as the overcast sky turned darker and darker but none of them seemed concerned about the violent storm coming their way.

The snow had long stopped falling replacing the winter wonderland with gloomy depressing weather suitable for indoors.

Ji Yao was angered at this point that he didn\'t realise he was unconsciously summoning lightning which in turn invoked a storm. He was angrily glowering at his father as he gently rubbed Rui Fei\'s smooth skin to soothe the raging storm simmering within.

"Let\'s go home... You have responsibilities," said Ji Yao referring to his father but of course, Ji Wen wasn\'t going to listen.

He just averted his gaze with his clenched jaw and faced Qilin Hao who in turn looked back at him with a look that seemed to say, "You are going nowhere." The wife had spoken but he also wanted to coax his son. The problem though was how.

Qilin Hao maintained her ice-cold expression as she shifted her gaze at her son. She might seem tough but in truth, her aether was slowly cracking as an insummable amount of pressure squeezed at it. It was excruciatingly painful but she ignored the pain as she raised her head high.

"So you partnered with the enemy to retaliate against me? Is this some kind of late teen rebellion or something like that?" she said not even sparing Qilin Kai a glance treating him like air. He was so annoyed by her.

When it came to his cousin it was always like this. She would strut around acting holier than thou yet she wasn\'t even going to be the next clan leader. She would show off her skills in front of everyone like little miss perfect making people doubt if he was even worth it. He attributed all his sufferings to her yet she always treated him like an ant beneath her shoe.

Thinking her memory was eroded by whatever ailment she had that she couldn\'t recognise his true form he transformed into his his human form and said, "Cousin, long time no see."

Ji Yao who was about to respond to her question turned to Qilin Kai and gave him a dirty look as though saying stay the fuck out of this before facing Qilin Hao. "What the hell are you....," he said before he was rudely interrupted by Emperor Rui.

"Yes, yes he absolutely did. We are together, all of us. Tsk, tsk, tsk you can only blame it on your terrible parenting," said Emperor Rui pointing at everyone on his side.

"That\'s rich coming from a person that killed his own children," replied Qilin Luse who was standing to Qilin Hao\'s side as his piercing gaze shifted to Qilin Kai. He couldn\'t wait to take him down and beat the shit out of him for Qilin Hao and Hei Ying\'s sake.

Ji Yao almost got a headache at this pointless conversation. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his head lowered before saying, "That\'s not the point. The point is that I am not rebelling against anyone.

We were pursuing these two so how can I be in cahoots with them?" He wanted to end this conversation fast, beat Emperor Rui and his accomplice to death then drag his father back to Red Bane. After making sure the man won\'t be going anywhere he would proceed to drag him to find the remaining keystones one\'s then find a way to destroy them. It was indeed a great plan but the problem was that he had no idea his mother had the remaining keystones and without them, he won\'t be able to destroy anything.

Qilin Hao wore the kind of gaze that seemed to say, "If I had a slipper I would beat you to death with it." This kind of gaze could scare any kid into submission but she wasn\'t dealing with an ordinary kid was she? Even Rui Fei was a little terrified of that dark aura coming from her. He wasn\'t immune to this mama bear\'s deadly stare.

"You still have the balls to deny it when you are sitting on a Huishe... You must think me stupid... I will repeat it again get off him," she said as a red light spread in her ferocious eyes her seraphic energy seeping out of her body suppressing the people around her.

The amount of pressure coming from her was so overwhelming that even Ji Wen struggled to remain upright. It was as though her aura was trying to force him to his knees. She might have been an invalid but she was still so powerful.

Ji Yao stubbornly crossed his arms on his chest as he looked down at her with a discontented expression replying, "Or else what? What are you going to do? He has been more of a family to me than you have ever been so back off." It\'s a great thing that he still had a little respect for her otherwise he would have even thrown an F-bomb in that sentence.

"You!.... I will show you what I am going to do," she said as she transformed into her true form her body bursting into flames as hot as the sun.

Seeing this Huishe Yue\'s pupils shrunk as he rushed in front of Rui Fei blocking Qilin Hao\'s view. "We aren\'t your enemy. Your enemy is the one who dared lay their hand on Ah-Yao and that doesn\'t include us," he said but Qilin Hao completely missed the point.

Based on her personal experience it was logical for her to team up with Qilin Kai to kill the Huishe then deal with their personal problems later. This is how things are, how things were meant to be. It was deep hatred cultivated for thousands of generations so how could she possibly accept the overly familiar tone that Huishe Yue was addressing her son with?

"Who are you calling Ah-Yao?! You have a death wish," she said moving a step closer with the flames blazing like an inferno.

Qilin Luse who still had some sense to him and knew of the importance of Rui Fei to Ji Yao tried to coax her by redirecting her anger towards Qilin Kai. Unfortunately for him it only made things worse.

Qilin Hao became even more aggressive as she took a step forward saying, "Have you also been corrupted by this place? Have you forgotten who the true enemy is, huh? As per the clan rules, any Huishe that oversteps the bounds into Qilin territory or is found in possession of things belonging to our clan is to be executed without trial. That is the law," she spoke looking at Ji Yao.

In this sense, her cub was the thing belonging to her that had been robbed. Whether her cub had gone willingly or not that was none of her concern. As long as he was still a cub he belonged to her. When it came to this she was even more insensible than Huishe Yue.

Huishe Yue who had expected such a reaction sneered before saying, "Your laws don\'t apply here and if you lay a finger on my nephew I won\'t be polite."

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