
Chapter 636 Do you think we will stay silent?

Chapter 636 Do you think we will stay silent?

  Xin Shi felt her heart drop, she was in a hurry when Su Wan called her out of nowhere and thus, she forgot all about the bucket that she brought with her. " That... I ..that doesn\'t prove anything, just because you found a bucket with our family name doesn\'t mean that you have proven that I was the one who was behind it, you are such a rich man and have so many guards with you, there is a possibility that you have asked your guards to pick it up, to back your niece up, who knows?" 

  Xin Shi too felt like she was going to be in a big mess, so she furtively looked at her husband who already has his cogs turning in his head. He looked at Shen Tian, Su Wan and the Village head Luo and knew that he had more chances to plead guilty with the Village head, if he played it nicely then maybe he will be able to save his wife, thus, he immediately walked in front of Village head Luo and bowed formally. " Village head Luo, I know that something like this happening under your charge is not right but hear me out Village head Luo, if Yamen came to our village then I am afraid that the entire village will become the topic of gossip for other villages, have you forgotten what happened when the Yamen officers came to bring Lin Ze to the Yamen? Mud was thrown at us from all directions and everyone joked about our village making it look as if we were nothing but a bunch of criminals. If the Yamen officers were called again then the reputation of our village will plummet once again." 

  " You, are you out of your mind?" said Su Wan as she looked at Feng Zihang. " Your wife just ruined an entire field of crops for my family and you want us to let it go just because of the so-called reputation of the village? Do you even know how much damage your wife has caused? A single row of seed was bought at ten silver taels and the entire field crops were worth at least twelve hundred tales, you caused such big damage and now you are worried that calling Yamen will make our village look bad?" 

  Feng Zihang thought for a while then he shamelessly said, "Your family is already rich, even if you suffer this much damage you will be able to recover it sooner or later but if the village\'s reputation is ruined then what are we going to do? Your financial loss can be recovered but the same couldn\'t be said for the reputation of the village." 

  Not only the Lin family even the entire village was shocked speechless by Feng Zihang\'s shamelessness. 

  That huge field was ruined because of his wife\'s rotten intention and instead of saying that he will repay the money, he was acting shamelessly, saying that the Lin brothers were rich enough to make up for that loss. What did he mean by that? Just because they were rich they have to suffer through this injustice silently while he and his wife get to leave scout free? 

  The villagers could see how unfair Feng Zihang was being but at the same time, they didn\'t want to harm the reputation of their village either so they stayed silent and said nothing. 

  Lin Chen\'s temper was explosive, to begin with, and when he heard Feng Zihnag\'s shameless words, his temper skyrocketed as he glared at Feng Zihang before taking threatening steps toward him. " Oi, Feng Zihang just because you have thick skin, doesn\'t mean that you can say whatever you want just for the heck of it. Have you ever seen twelve hundred taels in your life? Do you even know how hard it is to earn that much sum of money?" He lowered his voice and a sissy imitation of Feng Zihang continued, " You are rich enough already so it doesn\'t matter if you suffer this loss? Why not I set your fields on fire and watch you see them burn?" 

  Feng Zihang\'s eyes shivered as he immediately turned to look at Village head Luo and said, " Did you hear that Village head Luo, Lin Chen is trying to get his hands on my life-saving fields. You know how important those fields are to me and my family, if they were burned then what will I sell and how will I save money?" 

  " Oho, then your fields are fields but my fields are rotten plants to be squashed huh?" said Lin Chen spitefully. " If my fields are burned down by your wife, I need to suffer it silently but if your fields are burnt down then I am harming your life\'s savings huh? Can you be any more double-faced than this Feng Zihang, no I mean if you can then just show it to the villagers so that everyone can see what kind of double face snake you are?" 

  " You are rich, Lin Chen and I am not, I get it my wife made a mistake because she was jealous but you don\'t have to push us to death!"

  " We are rich because we worked hard, all right? Your forefathers didn\'t come here to pay for our meals that we saved the money like that." 

  " Lin Chen don\'t pull my forefathers in this mess, I am just trying to do what\'s right for everyone." 

  " You rat bastard——"

  " Feng Zihang, do you really think that if you pull the reputation card on us we will stay silent?" said Lin Yu as he interrupted his third brother who was fighting with Feng Zihang for absolutely no reason.

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