
Chapter 736 The One Behind The Animal Massacre

Hearing his words, Grandma Yan\'s brows raised high, she was not able to understand how could Ye Qian have earned a lot of money by just doing some business.

She had learned from Yuan Meng that Ye Qian came home on Friday and both she and Ye Xiao had come on Sunday, so it meant that Ye Qian earned the money just on Saturday.

She now wondered what kind of business did Ye Qian do for him to earn so much money in just a matter of a single day.

She even doubted whether her son had done any kind of bad business.

"Little Qi, you didn\'t do any kind of shady business right?"

She snapped and pinched Ye Qian\'s skin.

She had seen many things that Ye Qian had bought and knew that they were surely not cheap and definitely could not be bought with the help of Yuan Meng\'s salary.

"Argh, no mom, why would I do, I helped someone, that\'s all I can say."

Ye Qian groaned in pain as Grandma Yan pinched his wrist skin.

"Hmm, you are hiding from your mom, alright, if you don\'t want to say then it\'s fine, but just don\'t earn through any bad means, it would be better to not earn anything than to earn through bad ways."

Grandma Yan nodded and said while rubbing the pinched skin.

"No Mom, I am your son, how can I do something that would harm someone just to get money?"

"As for what I did, I can\'t tell you, but be sure that I helped someone."

Ye Qian said with a gentle smile.

Grandma Yan nodded and stroked his hair.

"Little Qi, just know, when someone needs your help, don\'t make them desperate just to benefit yourself, that is not a good way to earn anything."

Grandma Yan said.


Ye Qian nodded.

He understood that his mother didn\'t want him to make a profit out of others\' misery, but he also knew that the charms which he had given for helping Han Xiaowen would definitely be sold for millions of Yuan and he knew that even Han Xiaowen would think what she had paid to him were nothing compared to what he had given to her.

But the reason why he gave her so many charms was because he could see that there was bad fate lingering around her, which meant that her life was in danger and she would meet any harmful situation at any time.

And he could see that she really cared for her mother and that was also why he sold her the charms.

If not then even if Wu Ping were to beg for him to sell him just a charm for a million even then he would have not agreed.

Meanwhile, as Grandma Yan entered the room, Ye Qian walked out of the house and went to Le Zheng.

"Did you find anything about the incident at Mengmeng\'s school?"

"Yes, although it was a bit hard, but we have found, maybe you can find something."

Right before entering the house, Ye Qian had asked Le Zheng to get the video of the surveillance camera of the school gate just in case he would be able to find what kind of creature it was who had caused the incident in front of the school.

,m Ye Qian nodded and looked at the man who was doing something on the laptop.

Within the screen, there was a video playing.

It was dark late at night and other than a few twinkling of the street lamps there was no source of light which would make anyone see anything.

With that after some time, there appeared a few dogs.

But the next moment the bunch of dogs seemed to have seen something which was not quite under the area of the camera\'s reach and started barking and howling.

At first, they were barking to shove off then all f a sudden their howls turned distressed.

It was as if they had seen something that made them so afraid that even their bodies were shaking.

Ye Qian squinted his eyes and paid more attention to the video.

But the next second, there was a flash and one of the dogs was torn apart with all of its viscera flooding out of its body.

There was nothing but a flash and with each flash, one more dog would be torn apart with its organs flowing out of the body.

And thus, in just a matter of a few seconds, the whole bunch of more than ten dogs were turned into a pile of muscles and organs which completely filled the road.

Ye Qian frowned.

"Can you slow the video to the slowest speed?"

"Yes, Sir."

The guy in the suit nodded, but his face seemed as if he wanted to throw up.

As for Le Zheng and a few more of his subordinates who were looking at the video along with Ye Qian were also taken aback.

All they had seen was a flash of darkness and then a dog would be turned into a pile of scattered tissues.

Although they had seen a good share of gore and even killed many with their own hands when they were in the special forces, but killing animals so cruelly was not even acceptable for even them.

They couldn\'t help but frown seeing the dogs harmed in such a manner.

The man with the laptop slowed down the video and played it once more.

This time, each second in the last video lasted for more than 5 seconds making the video five times slower.

Ye Qian and everyone saw it with even much attention.

But as they saw the slaughter again they couldn\'t help but frown even more.

And that was because even with decreasing the video speed to as much as five times, all the video was able to show was a blurry flash of a dark figure other than that nothing.

"It\'s like even with the speed so much slowed down it\'s not a match for the speed of that animal or whatever it is?"

The young guard named Jhao gasped.


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