
Chapter 392 Being Kidnapped

Chapter 392 Being Kidnapped

“Because of it, I can’t return to my homeland to reunite with my family. Do you think I didn’t want to leave sooner? But I promised your mother that all I could do is to keep my promise.” Lang Qi’s expression gradually becomes cold, “You thought I had always hated you because you were not the heir I like, didn’t you?”

Brown listens to him blankly, his heart growing increasingly panicky.

“Look! That’s why I’m against it.” Lang Qi spreads out his hands, “Because I have found for a long time that you were not capable of being a patriarch.”

Brown’s face suddenly changes color, and he suddenly stands up, “You talk nonsense! Why do you deny me?”

“Because I haven’t been able to hand over the family to you for so many years. Because you forced me to hand over the family to you, but you couldn’t manage it well and had to come to me.” Lang Qi says coldly, “Did I say wrong? Just like what I said at the beginning, if you just want to see if I’ve led a good life, now you see, I’m living a good life. Therefore, you can go. In the future, take good care of the family, which is left to you by your mother.”

Brown’s face has been twisted. He bends down slightly and stares at Lang Qi, “What do you mean? I can’t manage the family well? How could it have been this way if you didn’t make trouble behind my back?”

“You are obsessive.” Lang Qi doesn’t want to talk to him anymore, “Since it is so, why are you staying here?”

“I...” Brown tries to walk away simply and completely, but he doesn’t dare.

Lang Qi’s smile becomes mocking, “Why? Don’t want to leave?”

“You said that I couldn’t manage the family well. Then who can do it? Your natural son?” Brown flushes, “Or because you can’t get Anselm Family, you want to destroy it.”

“...” Lang Qi feels that Laura might have been blind. He hasn’t corrected Brown’s values for so many years, but Brown has become more and more stupid.

Brown finally yells once and for all, so Lang Qi drives him out directly. He stands at the door and looks at the somewhat awkward adopted son and feels extremely disappointed.

“You go back. Since I handed over Anselm Family to you, it will have nothing to do with me.”

“Doesn’t it matter if the family is gone?” Brown shakes off the hands of his underlings and shouts at Lang Qi.

Lang Qi smiles, “The original promise was to let you take over the family. Once you become the new patriarch, my agreement with Laura is over. Go back. You’d better think about how to run the family well if you have time. As you said, that’s what your mother left to you. I hope you conduct yourself well then.”

With a slam, the gate of the villa is closed.

Brown stares at the gate for a few seconds, and then walks away without looking back.

“Your adopted son is gone?” Lang Ruoxian is not surprised at all when he receives a phone call from Lang Qi.

Lang Qi isn’t surprised why he has known it, and just reminds him, “Brown is arrogant and small-minded. I rejected him. But he won’t be willing to let go.”

“I see.” Since Lang Ruoxian has attracted Brown to come here, he won’t give Brown a chance to calculate him and his family.

However, Tang Duo has been nervous all day. She returns to their house with the twins early. When Lang Ruoxian arrives home, she pulls him into the kitchen.

“I’m afraid Grandma and Dad know it, so we’ll talk about it here in the future. Brown was driven away by Dad. So he will certainly not give up.”

Lang Ruoxian smiles and says, “This time you’ve seen it thoroughly.”

“No, Dad told me.” Tang Duo squints, “He told me to be careful lately and not to go out alone.”

Lang Ruoxian hugs her, “Rest assured. I’ll make someone keep an eye on him.”

“So he really wanted to kidnap me again to threaten Dad?”

“If I guess correctly, he will kidnap me this time.” Lang Ruoxian raises his eyebrows.

Tang Duo thinks about it and feels Lang Ruoxian’s guess is right. Brown must be particularly jealous of him, for Brown is Lang Qi’s adopted son while Lang Ruoxian is Lang Qi’s biological son. And Brown is now failing to manage Anselm Family well. Seeing Lang Ruoxian be so successful, he must feel more unbalanced in his heart.

“You have to be more careful. Don’t work overtime lately in the evening and just come home after work.” When Lang Ruoxian comes to work the next day, Tang Duo keeps saying, “Don’t drive by yourself and let Shu Sheng and the driver send you.”

Lang Ruoxian promises, and sees Lang Qi smile at him. He also smiles and turns his head to say, “You’d better not play with my father-in-law recently. In case Brown is ashamed into anger and kidnaps you, it will get my father-in-law into trouble.”

Do you only take care of your father-in-law in your heart? Lang Qi feels sad. But when he sees Tang Duo suddenly become nervous, he has to say, “Relax. I won’t take him out recently.”

Lang Ruoxian kisses Tang Duo before turning around and adds, “You should go out less yourself.”

“Don’t worry! I won’t go out.” Lang Qi is very happy and nods hard.

When Lang Ruoxian’s car drives away, Tang Duo feeds the twins breakfast. She secretly summarizes vocabulary before speaking.

“Dad, Ruoxian doesn’t express himself very much, but in fact he cares about you a lot.”

Lang Qi holds Sweet Orange so that keeps her robbing An’an’s steamed egg custard, “I see. Though I never raised him, I know my son very well.”

“He began to look for you while he found that you might be alive.” Tang Duo whispers.

Lang Qi smiles, knowing that his daughter-in-law is feeling distressed about his son, “If Brown didn’t make any trouble before, Ruoxian would probably bring me back last time.”

Lang Ruoxian went to him, but didn’t see him, just waiting for his own choice, to see that he wanted to choose his natural son or Anselm Family and his adopted son.

“He did it on purpose, because he knew that once I returned to homeland, Brown would quickly fail to manage the family well and have to find me.” Lang Qi sighs, “It is unknown who this kid had learned from. He’s even more cunning than a fox.”

This is better than him. Lang Qin once said that Lang Ruoxian inherited Lang Qi’s craftiness, but he was crueler than him. Because Lang Qi was not so cruel that he had to keep the promise to Laura and hadn’t returned to his homeland for so many years.

...It was really his plan again.

Tang Duo feels stifled, “He’s always like this. It is unknown what Brown is going to do, and he’s not afraid to fail to deal with Brown.”

Lang Qi snorts, “Speaking of intelligence, he exceeds Brown a lot. Speaking of abjection... He also exceeds Brown a lot.”

Brown comes again twice, and Lang Qi doesn’t see him. At this time, the news from Anselm Family has been worse and worse. Brown is anxious. He can’t stand the shrinking of the wealth empire he has just taken over. As Lang Ruoxian wishes, he is kidnapped by Brown.

“You should know who I am, right?” Brown has Lang Ruoxian rudely taken to the villa on the outskirts where he temporarily lives. This is also the first time the two have meet.

Lang Ruoxian is tied up and stands in the middle of the sitting room to look at him, “You should know that this is Hua Country.”

“...What do you want to say?” Brown originally wanted to talk to him politely, but this guy’s tone and expression are too similar to those of Lang Qi’s.

They both look down upon him.

“You have violated the laws of Hua Country.” Lang Ruoxian moves his neck, “Of course, you can continue, so that the crime will be more serious then. And my dad has to go to prison to visit you.”

Brown, with a cold face, asks someone to untie the rope. Then Brown pours himself a glass of wine and sits down, “Lang Ruoxian, you are indeed the biological son of that man, and everything you two say is equally obnoxious.”

“If you’re smart enough, you don’t need to listen to us.” Lang Ruoxian cleans up his suit and sits opposite to him, “Now you want to talk to me, or utilize me to talk to my dad?”

The calmer he is, the more angry Brown is. Why? Why can’t the father and son be more mediocre?

“Call my father.” Brown takes his eyes off Lang Ruoxian to prevent himself from the urge to really kill Lang Ruoxian.

Lang Qi rushes over when he receives the phone call. Tang Duo sees him leaving in a hurry when she stays in Bai Susu’s house. Having associated with what Shu Sheng told her that Lang Ruoxian would come back late from the meeting today, she thinks that something must have happened.

“Mom, I shall go out.” She picks up the car key and runs out.

Bai Susu can’t stop her. She sees that there is something wrong, so she rings up Tang Cao immediately.

Tang Duo drives to follow Lang Qi all the way to the large villas in the suburbs and sees him stop in front of a villa. Two foreigners lead him in. She is even more certain that Brown must have acted and Lang Ruoxian must be in it.

“Father, you’re here so fast!” Brown sees Lang Qi come in and makes a gesture to ask him to sit down.

Lang Qi looks around, frowning, and asks, “Where is Ruoxian?”

“He’s fine!” Brown shrugs, “Strictly speaking, I should call him brother. He’s in a room of the third-floor, but he can’t come out for the time being.”

Lang Qi looks at him coldly, “What do you want?”

“I want you to return to Anselm Family with me.” Brown says quickly, and then says with a calm expression, “Father, today’s Anselm Family owes it all to you. Isn’t it good for you to come back with me so that I can provide for you?”

“And then what?” Lang Qi sneers, “Trap me there. If something happens, I shall appear to deal with it. If nothing happens, you won’t let me bother about anything about the family. Am I right?”

Brown waves his hand fiercely, “What’s wrong with that? You can stay anywhere to retire, and you can enjoy better conditions in Anselm Family. As long as something happens to the family, you appear to deal with it. You will usually live comfortably at ordinary times.”

“Ha ha...” Lang Qi shakes his head, “Laura couldn’t see your selfishness at that time. I thought I could teach you, but unfortunately...”

“Don’t talk about the nonsense!” Brown hurriedly says, “Father, don’t force me. If you don’t follow me to leave today...” He claps his hands, and the glass door of the sitting room suddenly is opened. Through the floor-to-ceiling window to the third floor, a person can be seen hanging there.

Lang Qi quickly walks over and raises his head. Lang Ruoxian dangles upside down in the air with his feet tied to the third-floor terrace.

“Father, although the third floor is not high, but if he falls down he must turn into an idiot even he isn’t unlucky to die!” Brown slowly leans over and looks at Lang Ruoxian hanging there, “As long as you follow me to leave now, Tang Family members will be informed to come and rescue him when we are on the plane.”

Lang Qi ignores him and shouts at Lang Ruoxian, “That’s all you can do?”

“Yes, you should go with him quickly.” Lang Ruoxian squints with head over heels, “I have a hard time with this posture.”

Just after his speaking, there is uproar suddenly upstairs. It is unknown when Tang Duo has run up, lying prone there and tugging the rope.

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